Landscaping Phase #3

Last I showed you our backyard was looking pretty good…



Look at all that pretty green grass.

Anywho, there were a few more things Justin wanted to accomplish out here since the new drainage and landscaping were finished.  A few of the solar lights we had previously installed were broken.  So, Justin purchased some new outdoor lights for the garden beds back here.  He decided to go with regular electric lights.  He moved the remaining solar lights that were still trucking along to the front yard.  He purchased the new lights from lowes.  Once he got home he started installing them…


Since the sod was freshly laid, Justin was able to run the cords from one garden to another right under the top layer….



While he was burying the new cords he came across this little guy…


He was just sleeping under the mulch and Justin dug up his bedding!  So he buried the cord and then buried him under the mulch again.  We saw him later the same night once the sun went down, we’re all friends now.  Once Justin had finished installing all the lighting he added new mulch to all of the garden beds…


Charlie also helped…


This guy showed up too…


Isn’t he handsome?  Love these little lizards.

After hanging out with the lizard I got some photos of the freshly finished backyard…


And you know I can’t help but give you some before, middle and after photos…


Check out how much the plants by the patio have grown!



I don’t have a before photo from this angle, but here is the mid way point and after…


We also got to see the new lights in action that night…


Aren’t they pretty?



Char man also hung out to check out the lighting…


It was already past Zack’s bed time.

We are thrilled with our backyard now.  We may have some other ideas for the the fence and possibly another little garden. For now we are just happy to sit on the porch and enjoy the unflooded yard!  It’s a far cry from this…


Don’t you think?  PS the drainage works.   Here is a photo I took immediately after a down pour…


BOOM! Do you see a drainage issue?  I think not!

Solar Lights

We thought it might look nice if we added some lighting around our patio and also in the front gardens.  We settled on solar lights because they seem to be the easiest solution.  So we got a bunch from Lowe’s…

solar light

Justin picked this kind, they are Portfolio brand.  We got 8 for $68.  We figured we would see how they work and then possibly get more down the road.  Justin literally just popped them in the ground around the patio and then we just let them soak up the sun all day.  Then we waited.


Once the sun went down they lit right up like magic! I think they are perfect, I even like the circular shadows they make on the ground.


They continue around the patio to the other side of the house.  We put four in the backyard and the remaining four in the front…



We need to get a few more to add to the garden on the other side of the front door.  There is only one lone guy on that side.



So far we are enjoying them, we are hoping they last for a while.  We have heard that solar lights have a tendency to die out pretty fast.  Fingers crossed they last a while!