Hit the Lights


Wanna see a couple outdoor lights that have seen better days?

Ok! Coming right up…

replacing outdoor lights

These guys are the outdoor lights that were on our house when we purchased it.  They are so worn from the sun and weather.

outdoor lighting

They are not horrible and may look a lot better with a nice coat of paint, but we also weren’t digging the style of them.  So we decided it was time to retire them and move on to something we are more jazzed about.

We took a stroll through both Home Depot and Lowes and settled on a couple of these guys…

Allen roth outdoor wall lantern

They are the Allen + Roth Castine Rubbed Bronze Outdoor Wall Light from Lowes.  They were more our style, being rubbed bronze and the bubbled glass stole my heart.  Fo real!  They were pretty much middle ground for pricing considering there size, they are almost 21 inches tall.

Justin did his electrical thing, while I held them up to the house(that’s my helping when it comes to electrical) and we now have this…

outdoor lighting

Much better!

outdoor garage lights


What do you think?




The above photo is the day we moved into our house on top, beginning of our first year in the middle and beginning of our second year(currently) on bottom.  Making progress.

Solar Lights

We thought it might look nice if we added some lighting around our patio and also in the front gardens.  We settled on solar lights because they seem to be the easiest solution.  So we got a bunch from Lowe’s…

solar light

Justin picked this kind, they are Portfolio brand.  We got 8 for $68.  We figured we would see how they work and then possibly get more down the road.  Justin literally just popped them in the ground around the patio and then we just let them soak up the sun all day.  Then we waited.


Once the sun went down they lit right up like magic! I think they are perfect, I even like the circular shadows they make on the ground.


They continue around the patio to the other side of the house.  We put four in the backyard and the remaining four in the front…



We need to get a few more to add to the garden on the other side of the front door.  There is only one lone guy on that side.



So far we are enjoying them, we are hoping they last for a while.  We have heard that solar lights have a tendency to die out pretty fast.  Fingers crossed they last a while!

New fan for the patio

Remember this guy?


Pretty sick ceiling fan right?  Even though it’s pretty awesome, we decided it might be time for an upgrade.  Justin hauled that guy to the street and he purchased a new outdoor ceiling fan from Lowe’s.  Next thing I knew this was happening…


Let me tell you, Justin did not have a good time installing this bad boy.  He called his dad a couple times, turned the power on and off, and on and off.  After a couple hours finally the fan and the light were both working.


Here’s some fun shots of him working oh so hard…


and here it is all pretty and hung!


And that light isn’t just for show, oh no, it works!


Such an improvement!