Living Room Changes

While I was away in NY Justin decided to make some changes.  For a while Justin has been saying that he wanted to remove the light from the ceiling fan in our living room, I however objected to this idea.  I thought this was insane considering once the sun went down we do not have lighting in this room besides two small end table lights.  I loved having the overhead light to use when drawing or cleaning.  Here is this light I am speaking of…


And here is what I came home to…


Clearly Justin ignored my requests.  You win some you lose some I guess.  So no more light! He did however also purchase this…


Another taller light for the room.  This at least does give me some more light when needed, I guess he did consider my difference in opinion.  He also made one more change in this room while I was away.  And this change I was thrilled about….


Do you know what it is?


THE RUG!  He bought this amazing shag rug that I am in love with!  He said he purchased it for around $130, that is amazing for such a large rug.


Don’t you wanna just dive into that fluffiness?


And if your wondering where the old rug went…


It now lives happily in the garage.

Here is what we had before just to refresh your memory…


and now…



As you can also see there was also some furniture rearranging.

I’m loving these changes.  So I gotta give Justin props! Thanks for getting bored while I was away Just!

A Little Bit of This a Little Bit of That

This here is a very random post.  I just have a couple quick things that we have done lately that I have not shared.  What better time then now?  Am I right?

First up the fan in my art room has changed again.  We now went from this…


To this…


The white fan just fits better in this room.  The brown fan was nice, but it was too dark.

Want a side by side?  Finnnne…


I just think it fits better in this space.  This room has a lot further to go, slowly but surely were making our way.

One other quick thing I did was move the guest room around a bit, before it was looking like this…



Now here is it’s new set up…



Basically, I just added our TV stand and TV, and moved the bed to the center of the room.  I put the two stools on each side of the bed to be used as night stands.  This room now feels more balanced to me.  Eventually I would like to get a nice antique dresser to put across from the bed instead of our old TV stand, for now it works though.

So these are couple little things I wanted to share.  Thanks for reading folks!

A Few Quickies

I will start by saying when Justin goes to Lowes he comes back with all sorts of stuff.  This past weekend I woke up and this was on the table…


A new thermostat with some crazy instructions.  Before I even got outta bed(it was 7:30am), this kid was already installing a new thermostat!  Anyway our original thermostat looked like this…


Not horrible, just a little dated and it of course has a beautiful yellow stain where it has been touched a lot(yuck).

Here is the new one Justin picked out at Lowes…

Lux 7-Day Touch Screen Programmable Thermostat

It is a 7 Day Touch Screen Programmable Thermostat.  Basically, Justin wanted to get something that would allow us to program the temperature in our house according to each day of the week.  We really do not want to be cooling the house to 76 degrees when we are not here(sorry dogs).  At first we were interested in getting the new Nest thermostat that we have heard so much about, but Justin was not sure it would be compatible in our home and at $249 we didn’t wanna break the bank either.  Here is our new thermostat on the wall…


Oh and it lights up…


BOOM! Aren’t we fancy? No more burning your eyes out from turning on the lights in the middle of the night, just to change the thermostat. A little dramatic?  I think not.

Justin was not done there, oh no.  He also picked up 5 of these


They are trim for our recessed lighting that we have in our kitchen.

This is what we started with…



They’re suppose to be white, not yellow.  As you can tell they are looking pretty rough.

Here are the new ones that Justin installed…



Don’t the lights actually look like they fit now?  The bronze also matches the fan in our living room, also the one in the hall and all of the light fixtures.  Ah, consistency.

Lastly, remember this guy?


Sorry this is the only before photo I could find of this fan. It is the fan that was in our master bedroom.  Justin decided that he liked the fan that we put in the living room so much that he got another for the bedroom…


He purchased the same exact fan as the living room, but left the light off of this one.


So now we have a nice big fan in our bedroom.  Woot woot more air flow baby!

Wanna guess where the other fan went?


Yup, in my new art room.  I am not sure if I am diggin it though.  It’s kinda dark toned to be in this room, we shall see if it stays.


Not a bad looking fan though.  I think it is better than what we had…


I don’t know at this point.  I am torn. What do you think?

So that completes Justin’s crazy day of updates.  I am pretty sure this all happened before noon.  He sure is a go getter.

Fan-tastic updates

We have many ceiling fans throughout this house(yes you are now realizing how lame the title of this post is!).  We have replaced the fan in the patio and also the fan in the front hall.  We still have 4 others in the house, including the one in the living room, which looks like this…


Here is a close up…


It’s really not horrible looking, but Justin wasn’t diggin it.


So he took it down.


Much uglier on the floor right? We thought so.

Justin wanted something bigger, that would get more airflow in the room.  I thought it was a decent idea, so he went off to Lowe’s and came back with this…


Pretty huh?  It’s 60 inches wide! Huge fan, I think it’s fantastic!


Charlie loves to help.


Here’s the new fan up, no light yet just blades.


Don’t you just love it?

The other thing about this new fan that you may have noticed is that it’s quite a bit lower than the previous fan was.  Justin bought a 24 inch down rod.  This makes the fan closer to us and also seems to help with the airflow in the room.  Plus we like the way it looks…


One more…


And here is a before and after…


Justin liked the fan with the new downrod so much that he purchased another for the fan by the front door.


He used the same 24 inch rod as the living room fan.


And here is a before and after…


Good idea Justin.

Bye Bye Chandelier

When you first enter our house you see some pretty phenomenal light fixtures.  This…


and of course this…


Unfortunately, I think it is time to part with both of them.  Justin went to Lowe’s and got this…


Then he went to town installing that bad boy…


I thought that we should put the fan in the dining room area to replace the chandelier, but Justin really wanted it in front of the door in the front foyer.   Since he is the installer he gets last say…


Turns out he was right.  I think it looks great there.  As you may have noticed on the box the fan did indeed come with a light.  Justin didn’t install the light because he said he “thought it would look ugly.” And that’s that.


I love the fan Justin chose.  It hangs about a foot down from the ceiling and it has mini fan blades.  Its the perfect size for that spot.  Justin then took down the chandelier and brought it to the curb.  It was gone within about half hour.   I guess someone else will be enjoying that stylish chandelier in their home.  Justin then replaced the chandelier with a good old boob light.


Want to see the light in action?


Boom! It works.  Here’s a shot with both lights…


I do miss the chandelier, but guess I’ll have to make due without.  We have almost rid the house of gold fixtures now. Woo hoo.

New fan for the patio

Remember this guy?


Pretty sick ceiling fan right?  Even though it’s pretty awesome, we decided it might be time for an upgrade.  Justin hauled that guy to the street and he purchased a new outdoor ceiling fan from Lowe’s.  Next thing I knew this was happening…


Let me tell you, Justin did not have a good time installing this bad boy.  He called his dad a couple times, turned the power on and off, and on and off.  After a couple hours finally the fan and the light were both working.


Here’s some fun shots of him working oh so hard…


and here it is all pretty and hung!


And that light isn’t just for show, oh no, it works!


Such an improvement!