It’s What I got

I said remember that!

Just giving you some sublime love, but what I really want to share with you is what I got on my trip to NY.

As you already know I headed to the Hilton Apple Fest while visiting home and I also stopped in to check out Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors.  And I just so happened to have scooped up a couple goodies.  Let’s start with the apple fest

First up I’ll share something I gave you a peak of already….

photo 1(8)_Fotor

That is not photo shopped people, this is real life.  Charlie Bean is just this cute.  One more…

photo 2(3)_Fotor

Okay I’m done now, sorry.  In case you are wondering I purchased the bandana at the apple fest, I had the dog previously.  This guy was $5.95, so I think it was a steal.

Next up…


You’re probably wondering “what the heck is that?”  Well, it’s a lazy susan!


Justin makes fun of me because the table in our kitchen is a high top that is approximately 3-4 feet wide, making it pretty easy to reach anything on the table.  So this guy will most likely end up in the cupboard to help me reach spices that are in the wayyy back.  I’m really digging the different panels of stained wood. Susan was just $22 and was a gift from my mom for Christmas.  Thanks ma!

I also picked up one of these glass pumpkins…


I chose the green one on the right.  I think it’s time to get in the fall spirit! And why not with a crazy green glass pumpkin? Right? These were only $10 each.


And here is where it lives now…


There it is, looking all spiffy on my mantle.

I also got this little gem…


I love candy corn, whether it be the real thing or a little wooden painted one.  And for just $3 I was sold!

Now let me show you what I picked up at Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors

First off I had to take one of these home…


I know you’re totally thinking I took that sick boat home, but I am talking about this…


Yup I was actually talking about the bottles to the right of the boat. I picked this specific one because…


It says Rochester, NY on it! My home! So I had to have it.  It now lives in my laundry room…



For now it will hang out in here and it may move from time to time, who knows.  I may even plop a single flower in it sometime. I know I’m living on the edge with these ideas!

Next up…


I loved these as soon as I saw them, so I bought two!  For just $15 each.


I really like the little Lyon brand tag on the front, reminds me of my locker from high school, I think those were Lyon brand too.  Am I right?


I knew exactly where they would go too…


On the shelves under my desk!  I threw extra drawing paper in the right basket and in the left some magazines…


And here is my art room now…


I need some art on those walls huh?  It will happen someday.  And see that little picture frame on my desk?  That’s another present from my mom…


I love everything about it!  So there you have it, all the stuff that came home with me.  Well, almost.  I do have a few things I cannot share because they are Christmas presents. Sorry, can’t spoil the surprise!

Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors(Rochester, NY)

While back in NY visiting my family, I got a chance to visit my friend Christina’s, mother JoAnn’s, antique shop!  I love me some good antiques so I was pretty stoked to check it out.  Here is what you will see when you arrive…


If this doesn’t get you excited to check out the inside of this shop I don’t know what will!  How cute is this barn? I love upstate NY with all of it’s beautiful barns and rolling hills.  Lets get to it and check out what they have!


Before you step inside you’ll notice this awesome bench made by none other than my friend Christina and her husband Dave.  As you can see it’s an old Ford tailgate made into a unique bench.  Sorry folks I don’t think this one is for sale!


In front of this bench I saw this great rustic white trunk.  If my memory is correct I am pretty sure it was only $35! This could be a great coffee table or used for blanket storage at the end of a bed!  This would have come home with me if I didn’t have to take everything back on a plane!


When I first walked in I spotted these vintage baskets.  JoAnn told me she believes they were originally from a library or a school.


I turned around and came across this adorable antique sink set up that was filled with soaps from a local crafter.  I love that JoAnn features local artists in her shop!  I am all about supporting local arts, crafts and farming!


If you head to the back of the barn there is a room that Christina told me her dad set up as the “man room”.  I loved it.  It is filled with all sorts of beer signs, tool boxes, antique fishing rods, jugs and flashlights.



I also wanted to take this vintage craftsman tool box home with me, at a price of $15, it is a steal.  Unfortunately, I was still battling the whole suitcase packing dilemma and being constrained to a 50lb. per suit case limit.  I would have loved to use it to store paint supplies for my art room.  It had a removable shelf inside which would be a great divider.


These antique paddles were also calling my name.  I could just picture them hung in the little nitches that I have in the tall ceilings in my living room.


Can you picture it? I also came across this other paddle that I was digging…


I believe they were $30 each.  Not bad!


Check out this jug lamp and little antique lunch pail.


JoAnn also has many beautiful antique dressers at amazing prices.  I believe this one was $95!!!  You cannot find a deal like that here in FL, down here this antique could sell for close to $400!  Here is another that I am absolutely smitten with…


This one was $150 and I need to own it!  I love the drawer pulls and the fact that it is on wheels.



Both of these china cabinets were around $150 each, which is another great price.  I wish I lived closer!!  On top of the white cabinet I saw these antique glass bottles…


Thought about picking them up for my wedding, but I think I have enough glassware for my center pieces.  Someone please go purchase them and fill them with wild flowers!!!


These vintage trunks were so unique.  They even had writing from the previous owner on them with instructions for delivery.  I also think these would make great storage in a bedroom, possibly a little boys room? The possibilities are endless people!


This old wine barrel was beautiful!  And the burlap bags on top were pretty superb as well.  I could see them made into a couple throw pillows!

I had an awesome time checking out JoAnn’s shop and I wish her great success,  I plan to stop in each time I am back in NY to check out any of her new finds!  You should go visit her if you live close by(5377 Ridge Rd W, Spencerport, NY 14559)! Also check out her facebook page and take my advice, go visit her you wont be disappointed!


This is my friend Allison, myself and Christina outside the shop.

I will be back tomorrow with another post to show you what did come home with me and where it ended up in my home!