Cards and Sparks

Going into planning our wedding, I thought it would be a lot of work, but it was more than a lot.  You have to think of every detail, I mean EVERY last detail.  You have to plan everything from the food, to the music, to bathroom arrangements, even things as simple as where people will put their cards.  Don’t get me wrong a lot of these things are fun to put together, but it can be a lot all at once.  Plus, I am not the type of girl who dreamed about my wedding day since I was born.  I didn’t really have a good idea of what I wanted in a wedding, so I started from scratch.

Anywho, this post is about a couple more things that I made for the wedding.  Just some more artsy-fartsy wedding stuff!

The first project was to find something to hold and display the sparklers that we planned have at the wedding.  Sandy suggested this galvanized bucket, that she had on hand…P1100206

And considering I’m a big fan of anything galvanized, I was on board.  Use whatcha got.  Amiright, people?  Now, to dress it up a bit.

I picked up these little burlap flowers at Michaels a while back for under $5 (can’t remember exactly how much, so that’s a ballpark). I knew I wanted to use them somewhere in the decor for the wedding.  How about on a galvanized sparkler tin?  Huzzah!burlap flowersBefore I got going, I decided I wasn’t quit digging those buttons.  So, I dug around my art room and found a solution…P1100207Pearls!  They feel a little more “wedding” to me then the buttons.

I pulled the buttons off, and hot glued the pearls on…burlap wedding flowersAh, much better!

I also picked up some thick burlap ribbon for a couple bucks, at Michaels…P1100217I wrapped the burlap around the top of the bucket, just under the rim and tied it in place…

P1100225As for how I attached it, I just tied it in a knot on the back and cut off the access ribbon.P1100219P1100224Voila!  Then, I hot glued some of my burlap flowers on…P1100232And Boom!  Just like that, I had my sparker tin.


As for the actual sparklers, Sandy purchased them in bulk online.  She also had matches made, personalized with our names and our wedding date.  I then, just put together a document that we could attach to each sparkler.  I decided to put use saying “Help Us Light Up The Night” on each sparkler.  From there, we just attached a set of matches to each document with some hot glue.  Then, we put a couple holes on the top and the bottom, where we could slide the sparkler through.

help-us-light-up-the-night-diy-sparklerNext up, I had to figure out what I was going to do for our card box/holder/basket, or whatever object you can imagine that can hold cards.

Here is what we used…

P1100251A birdcage! Sandy’s neighbor just so happened to have this guy on hand, and we thought it would be perfect to hold our cards.

I wanted the cage to match the sparkler tin, so I used the burlap ribbon and flowers again.P1100253P1100256This was a little trickier than the just wrapping the sparkler tin.  I had to weave the burlap in and out of the wire sides of the cage, still simple enough though.  I did this on both the top and the bottom of the cage.  P1100260I then, just tied the burlap and cut off the excess ribbon, once again.P1100265I also, tossed a paper doily in the bottom for fun.

Sandy picked up a couple cute little chalkboards from Hobby Lobby and painted the edges a sage green, I then just simply wrote “CARDS” on one.  You don’t want your guest to be confused to where the cards go, right?P1100264In case you’re wondering, I used twine to attach the chalkboard.  I just slipped it through the holes on each side of the frame, and tied it around the back of the cage.  From there, I just hot glued a couple of the burlap flowers on top and called it done!IMG_7362Pretty radical, huh?  Here they are being all matchy matchy…

IMG_7367As you can see, I made a “TAKE 1” sign for the sparklers, but that didn’t actually get used, we thought it looked better without.

Want some wedding photos?  Okay!wedding sparklersWoot woot for sparklers! Below are our mom’s hanging out next to the display.  Aren’t they cute?Sparkler display weddingAnd how about the card cage…wedding card bird cageHubba hubba!

Lastly, us at our sparkler send off!  You gotta do this at your wedding, it was totally fun and the pictures are pretty cool too!                      wedding sparkler photo

RSVP Display

Remember my RSVPs?  These guys…

Scan 11Well, I had a plan for them all along.  I knew we would receive some pretty entertaining responses, and I wanted to share them with our wedding guests.  I also thought it would be fun to give out some awards(I guess that’s what I will call them) to some of the more memorial responses.

My first step was to decide how I would display all 70-something RSVPs we received.  I came across this old shutter door at The Antique Market and thought it would be perfect.

antique-white-shutterFrom there, I had to figure out how I would attach all of these little cards.  I first laid them out on the shutter doors to see how they fit.   I thought I was going to have some space to spare, but they all fit pretty snug on the doors.  Phew, that was a close one!

rsvp-display-diyNow, to attach them.  I liked the idea of using clothes pins with twine again. So, that was the plan.  I had some left over twine from my photo display, and I picked up some generic tacks at Target to secure the twine with.

twine-and-tacksI also ordered some mini clothespins from Amazon.

p1100671After I laid out all of the cards where I wanted them, I measured where the twine would need to be secured.  I believe it ended up being every 4 1/2 inches. See below?  The pink marks were where I would attach the twine.

wedding-diyOnce I figured out the rows needed to be 4 1/2 inches apart, I just continued my marks down each edge of the shutter doors, making a mark every 4 1/2 inches.

From there, I cut my twine.  I needed 32 pieces total, 16 for each shutter door.  I just laid the twine across the door and cut them the width of the door plus approximately 1 inches extra on each side, enough so I could pull the twine over the edge to be attached.

tack-in-woodThen I tied a small knot on both ends of each piece of twine.  I put a tack through the knot on one end and pushed it into the edge of the door at my top pink mark.hammering-tacksI used a hammer to tap the tack the rest of the way into the shutter.

I continued this process down the the entire edge of the shutter door, and I this is my result…

attaching-twinePlus a very handsome yellow lab.

From there, I just pulled the twine straight across the front of the door and secured it the same way on the opposite edge. I did not measure and make marks on this edge of the door though.  I just eyed out the twine to be sure it was straight, and secured it on the opposite side.

p1100650Once I finished both shutter doors I had this…

Antique shutter doorsHere is a close up, so you can see my handy work…

wedding displayFrom there it was time to attach all of the RSVPs.  I added them in no particular order, just put them up at random.  I attached each card with one clothespin, which seemed to be enough to hold them in place.  Here they are all secured and ready to go…

Displaying RSVPs at weddingAnd again, a close up…

Wedding RSVP displayNow, for the “awards”.  Justin and I went through all of the responses and picked a few that stood out to us, all for different reasons.

Once we had chosen 5 responses that we wanted to give special mention to, I had to decide how I wanted to label them.  I thought using some kind of tag to hang next to them would work.  So, I picked up some yellow paper from Michaels.

yellow card stockI thought it would be cool to cut them into leaf-like shaped tags…

diy-paper-leavesNow that I had my tags covered, I can share who our stand outs were.

First up, our ‘first received’ RSVP…

Scan 19Our friends Krissi and Sean were the first to get their RSVP to us, so of course they need to be noticed.

awarding-wedding-rsvpsNext up, we thought we would like to make mention of the guests that will be ‘traveling furthest’ to attend the wedding…

Scan 18Justin’s Aunt Dot and Uncle Larry traveled furthest, 2,790 miles, from Truckee, CA.

wedding-rsvps1And since we had mentioned our first received I thought we should also mention our ‘last received’…

Scan 17Sorry John and Julie!

mad lib wedding rsvpsThen we thought we would make mention of the RSVP that made us laugh the most, the ‘funniest’…

Scan 21I think the fact that Lindsay and Haj were hot and bothered to see us get married was awesome, but Lindsay’s school picture put this one over the top for us. wedding-rsvp-awardsAnd lastly, we chose ‘our favorite’…Scan 20Justin’s Uncle Louie had this one spot on and we loved it!wedding-rsvp-mad-libsAnd here is everything completed…

Wedding RSVPsThere you have it!  Our RSVP display.  And here it is at the wedding…wedding rsvp display