Family Visit

A few weeks back, my mom, dad and sister came to visit.

I figured you have been dying to see the photos from this little family reunion.  So, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer…

IMG_5141Look at that family!  Couldn’t you just eat them up? I just love them!photo 2(8)photo 1(10)We had a super laid back visit, we just went where the wind took us each 1(9)We did do the touristy thing and asked a fellow Jacksonviller to take our photo in front of the Main Street Bridge.  Fancy huh?IMG_5160IMG_5150IMG_5174IMG_5180We visited the Jacksonville Landing one day.IMG_5200

Jess got her fortune told by Zoltar.  It was astonishing.IMG_5194IMG_5206IMG_5210We did lots of lunches and dinners with friends. photo 3(4)photo 3(7)photo 2(9)The Slide Into Summer Music and Craft Beer Fesitval was happening while they were in town, so we made a trek to that, of course.  We love us some live 4(9)photo 2(6)They had awesome food, music and vendors. photo 3(8)photo 3(9)The venue was in Fernandina, right on the 3(12)And, we even got our first family selfie!   photo 2(7) photo 4(7)The headliner for the festival was Railroad Earth, which we are all big fans of.  Railroad EarthMy dad left a couple days before my sister and mom, so we got to have a couple days to shop and do things that he would prefer not 3(6)photo 1(6)And, lastly we got to catch one of Justin’s hockey games…photo 1 photo 2photo 2(3)All in all, we had a blast!