Window Shopping(TJ Maxx Edition)

I decided to try something new and take you all shopping with me. I thought it would be fun to go to one of my fav stores and show you a few things that caught my eye. So I headed over to TJ Maxx to see what they had to offer this month!


I think TJ Maxx always has some great things for my purchasing pleasure. You can’t go wrong with home items and sometimes they have some great clothing finds as well, not to mention that their pricing is amazing.

When I walked in I headed straight to the home goods area and I saw this…


Shelving full of shiny silver decorations! Caught my eye immediately, let me show you a few of my favs…


This guy almost came home with me. I mean come on a shiny silver dog sniffing the shelf! Please! And for only $5.99! Pretty much a no brainer that I would love this, but I couldn’t think of a good place for it in our house. So it stayed put for another shopper to fall in love with it. They also had these guys…


I really like this little sail boat and ship. Thought they would be awesome in a nautical themed room. They were both around $7 each.

From there I headed down the frame isle to see what kind of frames they had going on…


TJ Maxx always has great frames and for cheaper than you can buy at most other places. I was really diggin this guy…


and this wood one as well…


They were both $4.99, a steal! I then spotted this….


Such a pretty wreath, it was only $24 and I thought it would look awesome over a fire place mantle.

I then checked out there baskets because they always have a plethora…


Told you they have a lot! I think baskets are one of the best storage solutions, they really can be used in any room. Here are a couple that I could see working in a bathroom with towels tucked in them…


Next up I headed to the pillow isle…


I love love love pillows. Here are a few I fell for…



I wanted to take this one home with me for our bedroom…


But we already have 7 pillows on our bed, so I didn’t think Justin would be a fan of another.

Did I also mention that TJ Maxx sells dog toys…


Yup, they do. Lots and lots of dog toys…


Char man has gotten 1, 2 or 50 from here(he’s spoiled).

Lastly I headed to the clearance section, gotta see if they have any good sale items people!


This guy was like $3 and it was large. I could see this on a shelf or a side table just for decoration, or maybe filled with corks and set on the kitchen counter. Whatever floats your boat I guess.


This is a huge outdoor candle that was on clearance for $29, still to too rich for my blood but I thought it would be awesome on a patio table.

So, that completes my trip to TJ Maxx, which did end up being just window shopping. I didn’t leave with a single item, mark that one down in the books! Hope you enjoyed checking out the stuff that I am really into right now, maybe I’ll do some more window shopping posts in the future, we shall see!


Dumping Some Thoughts

I have been pondering about my next project I will tackle in our home.  I have been busy working, wedding planning(headache) and working on some art, so the home DIY stuff has kinda taken the back burner for the last couple weeks.  Although, my brain has been working over time on what I want to do with the 2nd guest room.  This room will be my art space/storage room/office, so I am pretty stoked for this one.  I have yet to start anything in this room, so I thought I would spill out some of my ideas and why not share with you right?

While I have been daydreaming about this room I have considered many colors that I may put on the walls.  I am thinking something like this…


Probably more a or c, not so much d.

purple gray

Maybe something like this, colorwise, ignore the fact that this is a bedroom.


Or something like this, obviously I realize this is a nursery, just check out the wall color. I want something purplish-grayish with maybe a little hint of pink, but super close to white. Make sense? Well, it does to me!

Here are some office desks that I am diggin…


I am in love with everything going on in this photo.  I am obsessed with this desk. I am also loving the stacked baskets.


This desk is calling my name.

I am also thinking I want to have some kind of gallery wall going on, maybe like this…


or this…


I love the different frames and the placement.

I also would like to have some shelving above my desk.  I am thinking this…


I love these thin floating shelves in white!  I am also all about these shelves as well…


So that’s where I am at with the guest room plans.  Hope you enjoyed my brain dump!