A Little Bit of This a Little Bit of That

This here is a very random post.  I just have a couple quick things that we have done lately that I have not shared.  What better time then now?  Am I right?

First up the fan in my art room has changed again.  We now went from this…


To this…


The white fan just fits better in this room.  The brown fan was nice, but it was too dark.

Want a side by side?  Finnnne…


I just think it fits better in this space.  This room has a lot further to go, slowly but surely were making our way.

One other quick thing I did was move the guest room around a bit, before it was looking like this…



Now here is it’s new set up…



Basically, I just added our TV stand and TV, and moved the bed to the center of the room.  I put the two stools on each side of the bed to be used as night stands.  This room now feels more balanced to me.  Eventually I would like to get a nice antique dresser to put across from the bed instead of our old TV stand, for now it works though.

So these are couple little things I wanted to share.  Thanks for reading folks!

Furniture for the guest bedroom

I think the bed in the guest room needs some company, it’s a sad lone piece of furniture in that room.  I would like to get a decent dresser to put in there for storage.  I also thought a chair of some sort would be nice and of course a nightstand/end table, you know you need a spot for your nightly glass of water.  So a few weeks ago I was checking out craigs wonderful list again and came across something I thought might work.  Consider me on the craigslist bandwagon, I can’t get enough.  That something I found was…


Yup, another rocking chair.  Who woulda thought I was a rocking chair collector.  I got this guy for $20, serious bargain. When I got it home it desperately needed a good cleaning, so I got out the murphy’s wood cleaner and started scrubbing.  You wouldn’t believe how much dirt came off this chair.  Eventually I will lightly sand the arms and restain them because they are so worn.  As for now it is good and clean and now the bed in the guest room has a friend.  I got the navy throw pillow from a store called One World Goods in Rochester, NY.  They sell all sorts of hand made goods from all over the world.  I think it goes well with the bedding in a not so matchy matchy way.  I still thought the guest room was looking a little sparse, so I added a couple stools/end tables that Sandy gave me.


They are so rustic looking which I’m a big fan of and get this… Justin’s great grandpa made them.  I mean come on, can this family get any handier?  I think it’s pretty sweet that we now have things in our home that were made by family members.  It makes me love those certain pieces of furniture that much more.


I added a little white ceramic fish that holds a votive candle and a picture of me and my dad.


I put the other next to the bed, you know, for the nightly glass of water.  I would still like to get a dresser for this room and who knows those tables/stools may travel around the house.  Don’t worry though, I will keep you updated!