
Warning, this is long.

Did you know that we got married?  Well, we also went on a honeymoon.  And yes, this all took place 8 months ago, and I am just now writing about it.  Better late than never, right?

Our honeymoon was a Royal Caribbean cruise.   We figured a cruise would give us the best opportunity to see as many places as possible.  Plus, we live in Florida.  So, it’s just a short drive and we’re at sea!P111001310176144_10100352448098687_7957205122374487220_nThis is the cool little shopping area on the cruise, and me awkwardly standing in the center…IMG_8947It was fun to stop into a different bar on the ship each night.  This was a historic/gothic type bar that we hung at the first night.P1100757P1100760The first port we stopped at was in Labadee, Haiti.P1100773When we first arrived we explored some trails in the woods…P1100776P1100781P1100778It really is such a beautiful place.  Look at that water…P1100784We also found some very interesting trees…P1100793P1100796For the rest of the day we hung at the beach, then went snorkeling.  It was amazing to see all of the different coral that made up the reefs and of course all of the fish.P1100799Did I mention that each night we had a 3 course meal!  And, FYI you can order more than one meal!  We ate wayyy too much food on this trip.P1100745IMG_8995Our next stop was Falmouth, Jamaica.P1100828P1100848The port we stopped at was adorable, but also very small.P1100834P1100835P1100838P1100846 It was suggested that we set up an excursion at this port. It was also suggested that we don’t venture out into the local towns on our own.  So, we took their word for it, and booked a horseback riding excursion.P1100853In the photo above we are en route to horse back riding on a bus full of other cruisers.  Let me tell you, it was terrifying.  Not only do they drive on the other side of the road, but they drive like maniacs.10338323_10100352411811407_2098724890099202616_n  But, we did make it in record time to ride some horses.P1100901This excursion was at a cute little ranch in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of hilarious horse handlers running the show.P1100902P1100903P1100918P1100923The horses were beautiful, but of course I felt bad for them.  P1100917P1100925We rode a bunch of trails in the woods, and we also got to ride in the ocean.P1100930I almost fell off my horse like 3 times and truly thought I was going to be trampled by the horses behind me, BUT it was so much fun!P1100934We also saw a couple shows on the ship.  One was an ice show and the other was a magic show, both were great. P1100827Next stop was Grand Cayman.  Now, this was probably the most beautiful stop on our trip. P1100949Look at that beach and the water!P1100952We rented some snorkeling gear and went snorkeling right off the beach.  Seriously though, that water….P1100968P1100960P1100967P1100981And, there were wild chickens and roosters everywhere.  Another win for Grand Cayman.  P1100948After snorkeling, we had lunch at a cute little place on the water.  We had some nachos and conch fritters, everything was delicious.P1100983P1100988P1110015IMG_8957This was at our favorite bar on the ship, it was nautical themed. IMG_8960Our last stop was Cozumel, Mexico.P1100944We decided to just walk the streets and do some shopping and eating here.  Along our way we saw a lot of these guys…P1100998Everywhere we looked there were iguanas, some were huge.

We had a couple drinks at Fat Tuesdays….10411315_10100352448961957_6531639298634821831_nAnd Justin got into a gun fight…P1110035He’s always such a thug.  Can’t take him anywhere.

Then, we had lunch at Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville.10372003_10100352450952967_3085058604853072401_nIt was right on the water and the staff were so fun. 10247341_10100352450139597_2191164338341890100_nThey danced and made a nice balloon animal for Justin…P111004410360189_10100352450808257_6197031824740180985_nWe had so much fun and plan to go on another cruise… hopefully soon!IMG_8961