Antique Goodies

I thought I would share some great antique I have accumulated lately, I know you all love antiques as much as I do right?  Of course you do!  Remember back when I went to Renninger’s in Mt. Dora?  Forever ago?  Well I got a few things that I never made an appearance here on this blog…

vintage milk bottles

Got these two for $4 a pop.  One is now living with me and one went to live with my sister.

Then I found one more that I had to have, also $4…

vintage milk bottle

Antique Milk glasses

They currently live on my sewing table.  Sewing table?  What sewing table you ask?  Well…

antique sewing table

I just so happened to pick up this guy while at Renninger’s as well.  Wait, it gets better…

antique sewing table

It has a yard stick carved right into the top!  Are you blown away?  I know! I was too.  And it was only $80! Boom!


It also can conveniently collapse and be stored flat.  Why don’t people make stuff like this anymore?

Sewing Table

Look how happy my sewing machine is to now have a home.  You’re welcome little sewing machine.  On the right side of my sewing table you might notice these…

antique spools

Sandy gave me these little antique spools.  I love them!

Antique Spools

And see that yard stick right in front of the spools?  That’s also a find from Renninger’s.

vintage yard stick

This guy caught my eye because it just so happens to be from NY.

vintage yard stick

Syracuse, NY.  Gotta have upstate NY love!

I also picked up a pretty sweet antique iron.

antique iron

I have always thought these were really cool.  I love that they are cast iron.

antique iron

This one even had a little piece of masking tape on the bottom that has a name and a date of 1960.  Pretty interesting.  It is now the doorstop in my laundry room and I have yet to stub my toe on it, which makes me proud.

Lastly, Sandy bought me one of my christmas gifts while we were at Renninger’s…

antique fire bellow

An English antique bellow.  Do you know why I love it oh so much?  Yup, because it has a girl and a dog on it!

antique fire bellow

Justin added a hook under our mantel on our fire place and it now hangs there…

antique fire bellow

That photo was taken when it was still appropriate to have reindeer on your mantel.  Here it is now…

Mantel decorations

So, there are some goodies I had yet to share with you.  I do have some more Christmas presents that you will hear about real soon.  Promise.


I recently went to Renninger’s Antique Center with Justin’s mom, Sandy.  Sandy had heard this place was great for finding antiques so we had to check it out.  It’s located in Mt. Dora, FL, so it was a bit of a trek for us, but well worth it.  Just look at this aerial view…


I rented a helicopter just to get this shot, I’m big time now.  JK I googled Renninger’s and stole this photo.  Anywho, this place goes on and on.  They have row after row of indoor and outdoor booths.


Let me show you some of the things we found.


Here is one of the outdoor booths.  As you can see it’s stacked floor to ceiling, so it was a true scavenger hunt.


I thought these antique cigar boxes were pretty cool.  I could imagine using one for extra storage on a desk.


I fell for this wine barrel being used as a table, it even had corks under the glass.


And how about this antique thread box?  Wanted to take this home, but for $275 I wasn’t really feeling it.


This lamp was pretty sweet with the shade being made completely of branches.  Not very practical as a shade, but still very cool.


We also saw a couple of these antique fans that I was really digging.


And I love me some sailboats, I really have a thing for nautical accessories lately.  I would love to have something like this in one of our many niches in our home.


Sandy and I both loved this dough bowl, we thought it looked very pretty holding all of this holiday decor.


Here is another lamp that caught my eye, it also leans on the nautical side.


This desk was also beautiful and in great condition.


This pedal car was pretty sweet and I really wanted the butcher block it sat on!  Look at that chunk of wood!


This guy was calling my name.  This shop had all sorts of handmade furniture.  They used a mixture of industrial parts combined with rustic barn wood and the combination of those two things produce some pretty fabulous furniture.  I fell in love with every piece in this shop.


This antique set of drawers would be perfect in an art studio, all of those little drawers would be amazing for storage.


And here are a million milk bottles!


How about some antique ceramics?  Oh yes, they had those as well.

Don’t worry I’ll be back to let you know what I got on this trip.  I’m thinking Renninger’s will most likely see me again in the future.