Portrait of Home

I have not been painting a lot lately, and the other day I had an itch to make something.  I remember seeing a post on my fav blog, Young House Love, a couple fun little portraits done of their homes.  I liked this idea, and thought I would take a stab at a quick portrait of our home.  Nothing too detailed, just a quirky little painting.  I also thought, why not show you my process of making the portrait while I was at it?

I started with a generic 8×10 canvas from Michaels.

8x10 white canvasThen, I sketched out our house from a photo that I had on my computer…

sketching a houseNext, I just added the main background colors.

painting a picture of homeFrom there, I just slowly added some details…

painting portrait of houseportrait of homepainting a portrait of a housepainted portrait of houseI also was sure to paint all of the edges, since I don’t think this painting will be frame worthy.

DIY home paintingWhat do you think?


It’s def not perfect, but it’s just the quirky little painting I was going for.

And for fun, here is a slideshow of the process…

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