Char Man’s TWO!

Sorry about the delay in posts lately, we spent last weekend at Kent and Sandy’s to celebrate fathers day! PS Happy fathers day to my dad and Kent, pretty much two of the coolest guys I have ever known.  Thanks for always being there for us. We love you!

Today’s post is brought to you by the number TWO.  Sesame street throwback what what!

I can not believe it, my little man is two!  Do you celebrate your dog’s birthday? Better yet, do you know when your dog’s birthday is?  Well, I do Charlie’s birthday is June 11th and Zack’s is January 2nd.  We have birthday parties for the dogs in this house!  Here is Charlie’s first birthday…


They are spoiled.  My mom says she’s scared to see how spoiled my kids will be… but these are dogs, they don’t complain or talk back, they just love you!

For Char’s birthday this year we had a birthday weekend.  I wrapped some gifts for him and of course we got party hats.  I can’t get enough of seeing a dog in a birthday hat! Here is his pile of gifts…


I got him a bunch of toys and wrapped them all in old wrapping paper or tissue paper.  He really opens them, and he loves it!  It is so funny to watch, kinda makes me want to wrap all of his old toys just to watch him go nuts opening them.  Here he is going to town…




…got it!


He is the cutest little bugger ever. Pretty much his birthday weekend consisted of hanging out with Justin and I while we clean/renovate the house.  He was kind of bored, but he got lots of gifts and doggy ice cream.  And I know you’ve been waiting for the photos of the pups with their festive hats! So without any further ado…


Would you like to shake my paw?


Come on, can they get cuter?


Zack gets very serious when you make him sit for long periods of time while waiting for food that you are holding behind a camera.


Then he passes out, it was a crazy shindig.


Oh you thought just the dogs wore party hats… well you were wrong.  Justin wore one too, he refused to be in any photos, apparently it’s not cool to have birthday parties for your dogs.  If you don’t I suggest you start, your dogs will appreciate it.