Painting the Master Bathroom

As you know I have prepped our master bathroom for paint. Now that it is all set to go, I got right to it. I decided to go with Lighthouse Shadows by Valspar, it is the color of our master bedroom. I had a bunch left over from painting our room, so I thought that would be a good choice. Since we will eventually be demoing this entire room, I didn’t want to purchase new paint. Here is what I started with…


Here is what we have now…


I love that it makes the bathroom feel like a continuation of our bedroom now…



I unfortunately did not get any photos of the painting process, but I do have some before and afters!




I also put a fresh coat of white paint on all the doors…


We still have big plans for this bathroom, but for now it feels a lot cleaner in here. I still need to do some more caulking and I would like to hang some art and change a couple other things. Thanks for reading folks!

Painting the Guest Bath

I haven’t had enough painting just yet, I had the urge to paint something else last weekend.  That something ended up being the guest bathroom, which started off looking like this…




I really didn’t mind the color at all, but I had already painted our master bedroom blue and the guest room is now a gray with a hint of blue.  I think I need to throw some more shades in the mix.  I decided to go with my favorite color, green!  I stopped at Lowe’s and grabbed a gallon of a color that I thought would work well.  I came home and went to work.  As I got going just a few swipes in, I realized how close the color I chose was to the color in living room.  It was more of a light tan with a hint of green.  I was so disappointed that I didn’t get samples and try them out first like I usually do.  Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of this color on the walls, I know I suck(sorry).  I definitely didn’t want to use this color, I wanted something different.  So, off to Lowe’s I went.  I tried to return the paint to get another gallon, but the lady at customer service told me since the paint was already tinted I was unable to return it.  I don’t know if you have seen the commercials with the two chameleons that decide the Valspar color they chose to paint there chameleon home just wasn’t quite right.  They then discuss that Lowe’s will allow you to return the paint no questions asked if your not happy with the color. WELL, it’s not as easy as they make it seem.  Apparently you have to buy the color that you like better, then paint one half of a wall the first color you purchased and the other half of the wall the new color you would rather have.  Then you take a photo and mail it to Valspar corporate with the receipt and THEN they will reimburse you.  It really seemed like a hassle and not my cup of tea to go through painting the wall and taking pictures and mailing them in.  Fortunately the girl at the counter also gave me the wrong type of paint.  I basically wanted the paint that came in the white Valspar gallon and she gave me the blue.  Really not that big of a deal, but I let the lady know that and she said since I received the wrong type of paint they could refund the amount.  Anyway,  I chose another color and brought it home and painted our little guest bathroom.  To be honest I’m not totally sold on this color either.


It looks very yellow in these photos but it is actually green.


I would however like something a little greener and maybe bolder.  This is just kind of boring.  I will live with it for the time being and maybe try to dress it up with some art or decorations(who knows.)  I am not sure at this point.


Hey who’s that? And those are some fancy work clothes!


Welp, there it is.  The room that I am unsure about still.  It will do for the time being I suppose.  I’ll tell ya what though, it feels a lot cleaner with a fresh coat of paint.

P.S. Justin likes the color, so that’s a bonus.