Painting the Guest Bedroom

My blue dresser has a home!  Remember this guy?…

blue dresserWell, his living arrangements were determined early on.  I knew I wanted him to live in our guest bedroom.  We desperately needed to kick our old entertainment center to the curb and find a better solution.  This little blue dresser was my solution!

So, I dragged the old entertainment center to the road and moved the blue dresser into it’s place.  I stepped back, and took at the room, and I thought booo.  I wasn’t digging all of the blue hues going on in this room.  It was blue overload.

So, I painted.

IMG_9952I went with Colorplace Autumn Haze.  It is a pretty neutral tan color. I figured with all the blue going on in here, it would help tone things down. IMG_9954P.S. I just throw everything in the center of the room when I paint, don’t mind my mess. IMG_9956Once I was finished painting, I brought the dresser back in.  And, what do you know? It looked much better with the neutral wall color!  Woot woot!P1110446 P1110449Of course, Charlie helped keep an eye on my work.   P1110473And he also digs the new color. P1110479I think it looks bigger in here now, even with more furniture.  Weird how a color will do that.tan bedroom walls blue dresser guest bedroomOne last thing before you go.  A before and after… Bedroom before and after


House Floor Plan and Paint Colors

I found this pretty cool website that allows you to make a floor plan of your own house.  I could have spent hours on there adding all of my furniture and belongings, you can even view the finished product in 3D.  I thought it would be cool to share this floor plan with you, so it makes it easier to understand the set up we have going on.  Here is what I came up with…


It’s kind of hard to read all of those tiny words, if you click the photo it will enlarge it slightly.  Here is the 3D version….


and if you spin the house around…

resource_export_1372633242555The last 3D version is with the front of the house facing forward, in case your confused.  I love that I was able to add the flooring, paint colors and even appliances.  You can go all out and add furniture and decorations, but I didn’t really wanna take it that far.  Try out this website, I’m pretty sure you’ll get addicted too.

I also wanted to share where we’re at with paint colors in our house.  I have noticed that we tend to lean towards cooler colors, like grays and blues.  The only rooms we have not painted are the master bathroom and the first guest room(the one closest to the front of the house).  Here goes nothing.

Living Room – Milestone by Valspar

Kitchen – Milestone by Valspar

Master Bedroom – Lighthouse Shadows by Valspar

Laundry Room – Tibetan Mist by Valspar

Guest Bathroom – Sweet Slumber by Valspar

Guest Bedroom #2 – Bay Waves by Valspar

Dining Room – Lyndhurst Castle Sand by Valspar

Office – Lyndhurst Castle Sand by Valspar

I love some of these names, like sweet slumber and lighthouse shadows.  Although Valspar has tricked me with their color exchange guarantee, we still use their paint products.  This is because 1. we lovvve Lowe’s and 2. they cover well and turn out looking great.

Hey what can I say?  I love painting!