Laying Pavers

As you hopefully already know, you should not grill in an enclosed area.  AKA we cannot use the big green egg in our patio.  This is how we have been dealing with this dilemma…


Yes, that is a piece of particle board.  You don’t have to tell us we are high class… we know.  Also as you can see, Char man was checking out how fancy the particle board was as well.  Would you like another view of our set up?


We just put the particle board next to the door and wheeled that heavy sucker right out of the patio.  From there we can grill safely.   If we didn’t put something sturdy in the yard to put the egg on it would sink right into the grass.  The egg is like 200 pounds, pretty hefty.  I was digging the particle board, but Justin decided pavers might look a little nicer.  So it is time to part with the particle board and move on.   Justin picked out these pavers from Lowe’s.


Then from there he built a two sided wood frame to place against the patio in the size he wanted the area to be.  This made it so he knew how much he needed to dig and where he needed to dig.  Then he started removing the sod in that area.  He also dug out some of the soil so the pavers would be level with the patio.   From there he poured in a layer of sand.


He used a rake to get the sand spread and level.


Once the sand was in he started laying the pavers, making sure they were level with the patio as he went.  Once all of the pavers were in place, he poured on another layer of sand.  He then swept the sand into all of the spaces between the pavers.


He’s so talented.


Now the egg has a nice solid area to live on.


Love it.


The excess sand will eventually wash away.  It is almost completely gone already.   Here’s a close up.


I love that the area doesn’t take up too much of our already small yard, but is big enough to grill and hang out on.