Painting the patio

Next on the list for the patio was painting, so that’s what I did.  Since the wall connecting the patio and the house is now textured, it was time to paint.  So we brought a piece of siding to Lowe’s and had them match the color perfectly for the outdoor paint.  We wanted the patio to be a perfect match so it didn’t look odd next to the siding on the back of the house.  Did you know you can bring anything in to Lowe’s and they can create a paint to the exact color of that object?  Pretty sweet huh?  After getting the outdoor paint home, I got going on the project.


Yes, that is what I look like/what I wear when I paint.  And… yes I am wearing two long sleeve shirts.  I think I picked the coldest day of the last few months to paint the outdoor room.


Justin even helped out(a little.)  Can’t say he is as excited about painting as I am. Although I can sometimes manage to get him to help, but he will roll and that’s it.  I do the trim, taping and edging in.  I am just grateful when he will help for big projects!


Did I mention that I have never painted an outdoor space, let alone the outside of a house?  Well as you can sort of tell from the photos these walls are textured, REALLY textured.  I had quite the time getting in all of the small nooks and crannies.  Somehow I managed.


I think it turned out pretty good.


Matches perfect. Go Lowe’s!


Can’t wait to get some tile on that floor!  But I wasn’t done painting just yet…


These guys needed a fresh coat of paint badly.




And more gross.  That’s after scrubbing them down, yuck!


Much better!  So far the patio has come a long way from this…


Still have a few things on the list:

  1. screen patio. 
  2. replace fan.
  3. texture drywall.
  4. paint patio and doors.
  5. tile and grout floor.
  6. find patio furniture.
  7. enjoy!