Hello Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  A little late?  Shucks.  Well, here are some photos of our Christmas festivities….  Enjoy!

IMG_3744We spent our Christmas holiday with Justin’s family.  We had a great time as always!

img_0063We played our usual card game, Phase Ten, a couple times.  Justin won every time (he is no longer allowed to play).img_0076Justin’s mom got, both, him and his dad the same golf polo and shorts.  So, of course, I needed a photo of them being twins (they will both hate me for posting this, but it is necessary). img_3700I mean, is this even real?  They are so the same person!

I, even, coaxed everyone into taking a family photo.img_3741Look at all those Maces’!

Of course, the dogs had a great time.   And, you know I had a dog photo shoot!IMG_0465IMG_3723 IMG_3743Hope you all have an awesome dog to spoil too!  Merry Christmas!