Ledge Shelves

Remember my art/craft/second guest room?  No?  Well, here she is….art room with ikea deskart room with rolling cartI should say here she WAS, because we have made a few changes in here.

First up, we ditched that old futon.  We dragged that sucker to curb, and said good riddance.

Then, I spruced up my sewing table a bit (If you told me when I was 21 that I would one day type that sentence, I would be making fun of myself big time). IMG_7475Next, I bought some IKEA RIBBA Picture Ledges.  These…ribba-picture-ledge-white__0084935_PE212079_S4Once they were at my doorstep, I was pumped to get them on the wall.  I almost put them up myself, but then I couldn’t find the stud finder and the screw gun wasn’t charged.  So, I got smart and decided to wait for Justin.  Good thing too, because it was a lot easier with two people.  It’s always nice to have someone around to eye out heights and double check if things are level.  Let’s face it, sometimes things get wonky when you don’t take a step back and take a look.  Here they are, all hung up…IMG_5021IMG_5025This room was bare for so long, it was about time we added something to these walls.

Here’s a closer look at the ledges… they are perfect for displaying art.  I create new art from time to time, and do not necessarily want to frame everything or display it all over the house.  This is now the perfect spot for those misfit art pieces. IMG_5039Once everything was anchored in place, I did my thing adding art.

This is what I came up with…ikea ledge shelvesart shelvesledge shelvesWhen you take a step back now, this is what you see…IMG_7461And, I know, you see that dresser in the right-hand side of this photo.  I’ll explain more on that another day.  For now, I hope you enjoy my new ledge shelves!picisto-20150422115635-309790What do you think?  Better?Installing Ledge Shelves


Dumping Some Thoughts

I have been pondering about my next project I will tackle in our home.  I have been busy working, wedding planning(headache) and working on some art, so the home DIY stuff has kinda taken the back burner for the last couple weeks.  Although, my brain has been working over time on what I want to do with the 2nd guest room.  This room will be my art space/storage room/office, so I am pretty stoked for this one.  I have yet to start anything in this room, so I thought I would spill out some of my ideas and why not share with you right?

While I have been daydreaming about this room I have considered many colors that I may put on the walls.  I am thinking something like this…


Probably more a or c, not so much d.

purple gray

Maybe something like this, colorwise, ignore the fact that this is a bedroom.


Or something like this, obviously I realize this is a nursery, just check out the wall color. I want something purplish-grayish with maybe a little hint of pink, but super close to white. Make sense? Well, it does to me!

Here are some office desks that I am diggin…


I am in love with everything going on in this photo.  I am obsessed with this desk. I am also loving the stacked baskets.


This desk is calling my name.

I am also thinking I want to have some kind of gallery wall going on, maybe like this…


or this…


I love the different frames and the placement.

I also would like to have some shelving above my desk.  I am thinking this…


I love these thin floating shelves in white!  I am also all about these shelves as well…


So that’s where I am at with the guest room plans.  Hope you enjoyed my brain dump!