Giving Thanks in New York

I know, I know, Thanksgiving is long gone.  I mean, we’re past Christmas already!  I’ll get my stuff together and be a better blogger, I swear!  Anyway, I wanted to share some photos from our Thanksgiving in New York.  Justin and I went to visit our family and friends up North for a few days, and it was a blast.

We spent Thanksgiving day at my sisters…

IMG_3173IMG_2966IMG_2951_2It was my first Thanksgiving with my family in a few years, so it was great to all be together.

IMG_2955_2IMG_2940I, also, got to meet my friend Christina’s daughter for the first time.  I just fell in love with her…

IMG_3164I mean come on, look at that face!  IMG_3172IMG_3165I got to spend time with some of my friends as well.

IMG_2972IMG_2989It was great to see everyone, and we had a great visit.IMG_3168Until next time New York!

Bachelorette Dinner

A couple weeks ago I went back to NY to see my family and have some wedding festivities.  And let me tell you, I had such a great time!  I not only got to have a bridal shower with all of my friends and family, but my sister also threw me a bachelorette dinner! I’ll start this off by showing you the invite…


Isn’t it super fantastic?  I l-o-v-e them!

As you may have figured out by now, I live in Florida.  Although, I am originally from New York.  This makes it tough for me to see my friends and family often, which I am sure you can imagine.  Well, on this visit home I didn’t have to travel all over from place to place trying to see everyone, this time they all came to me!  Love that!  Jessica threw me the most amazing bachelorette dinner at a restaurant called Good Luck in Rochester.

Good Luck Rochester


Since this place is newer to the area, I had not yet been there before.  Jess really did a good job on picking the location because this place is beautiful.  Full of antique and rustic charm, my kinda place.

Good luck

Jessica reserved a room for our party, which was off to the left of the main dining area when you walk in.


Such an amazing place.  I love when restaurants are open to the kitchen, I guess I like watching the preparation of the food.  Love me some food!


We had a table set for all 20 of our guests.  I loved that we could still be a part of the restaurant environment if we wanted, but were still able to get away from the chaos as well.  Perfect set up.


We were also served family style, so we all got to try everything on the menu.  Speaking of menu, here is a closer look at ours for the night…


The food was delicious!


Such a pretty set up, candles and some pictures of Justin and I.


Above is my mom and I at the dinner.




It was so awesome to catch up with my friends and family.




I am so very lucky to have this sister of mine!  Thank you Jess!



It’s What I got

I said remember that!

Just giving you some sublime love, but what I really want to share with you is what I got on my trip to NY.

As you already know I headed to the Hilton Apple Fest while visiting home and I also stopped in to check out Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors.  And I just so happened to have scooped up a couple goodies.  Let’s start with the apple fest

First up I’ll share something I gave you a peak of already….

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That is not photo shopped people, this is real life.  Charlie Bean is just this cute.  One more…

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Okay I’m done now, sorry.  In case you are wondering I purchased the bandana at the apple fest, I had the dog previously.  This guy was $5.95, so I think it was a steal.

Next up…


You’re probably wondering “what the heck is that?”  Well, it’s a lazy susan!


Justin makes fun of me because the table in our kitchen is a high top that is approximately 3-4 feet wide, making it pretty easy to reach anything on the table.  So this guy will most likely end up in the cupboard to help me reach spices that are in the wayyy back.  I’m really digging the different panels of stained wood. Susan was just $22 and was a gift from my mom for Christmas.  Thanks ma!

I also picked up one of these glass pumpkins…


I chose the green one on the right.  I think it’s time to get in the fall spirit! And why not with a crazy green glass pumpkin? Right? These were only $10 each.


And here is where it lives now…


There it is, looking all spiffy on my mantle.

I also got this little gem…


I love candy corn, whether it be the real thing or a little wooden painted one.  And for just $3 I was sold!

Now let me show you what I picked up at Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors

First off I had to take one of these home…


I know you’re totally thinking I took that sick boat home, but I am talking about this…


Yup I was actually talking about the bottles to the right of the boat. I picked this specific one because…


It says Rochester, NY on it! My home! So I had to have it.  It now lives in my laundry room…



For now it will hang out in here and it may move from time to time, who knows.  I may even plop a single flower in it sometime. I know I’m living on the edge with these ideas!

Next up…


I loved these as soon as I saw them, so I bought two!  For just $15 each.


I really like the little Lyon brand tag on the front, reminds me of my locker from high school, I think those were Lyon brand too.  Am I right?


I knew exactly where they would go too…


On the shelves under my desk!  I threw extra drawing paper in the right basket and in the left some magazines…


And here is my art room now…


I need some art on those walls huh?  It will happen someday.  And see that little picture frame on my desk?  That’s another present from my mom…


I love everything about it!  So there you have it, all the stuff that came home with me.  Well, almost.  I do have a few things I cannot share because they are Christmas presents. Sorry, can’t spoil the surprise!

I’m back, back in the New York Groove

I headed home to New York this past weekend to visit my family.

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I got the chance to spend some time with family and friends and I thought I would share these photos, since it is not that often that I am able to get home. Above is my dad and I and below is myself, my friend Christine and my sister Jessica.

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Above are my friends Lauren and Christine and below is myself and my mom…

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One more of the family my brother in law John and myself…

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I also was able to go for a walk in the woods with my dad and his dog Maddie…

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Upstate New York is not the greatest place to be in the winter months, but fall is my favorite time of year here.

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Oh ya… Maddie got a little muddy…

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These are just some of the random photos from my visit.  I will share more about my different ventures while I was back in NY soon. Promise.