Mother’s Day

I’m sorry if you do not have the opportunity of having a great mom, I wish I could share mine with you.  If you want want to know someone who can brag about her kids, you should meet my mom.  She’s quite proud of us and it’s a great feeling.  Now that you know my mom is pretty fantastic I will tell you about our mother’s day.

Justin and I got to spend this mother’s day with both our moms, this is a first for us.


Aren’t they cute?  Oh and I forgot to mention, my soon to be mother in law is pretty fantastic as well.

We went to an awesome little mexican place called Burrito Works in Flagler Beach for lunch.  The guys were all out fishing so it was just my mom, Sandy, Jess and I.


It’s one of those little places that has amazing food.  They have a few locations in FL, if your ever in the area go there.  Get a UFO, it’s delish.


Had to get a picture with mom!  Oh and I forgot my sunglasses, so enjoy my squinting in all of these photos.

After lunch we headed back to the house and hung by the pool.


We drank some pina coladas while Char-man swam.  Perfect little mom day if you ask me.

They’re here…

…My family that is.

(Sorry about the lack of posting lately, it was for good reason though.  My mom, dad, sister and brother in law have been staying with us for the past week! Plan on reading about their visit a lot in the next couple weeks.)

My family arrived last Saturday and it was so great to see them all.  I hate being away from them, so when we are all together I make sure I enjoy every minute of it.


I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough when we saw them at the airport.  Above is my brother in law John and myself.


Above is my sister and I.  My mom took these photos and I love them all.


And yup, I cried. And apparently Justin laughed at me. So thoughtful haha!


I may be biased but I believe I have the best family out there.