Who doesn’t love a good pot?

I picked up a couple terracotta pots from walmart the other day. I didn’t get a before picture but they looked something like this…


They are not the normal rust color that you see most clay pots in.  This is a brown.  I got them for somewhere around $3 each, pretty cheap.  I had previously seen painted clay pots on pinterest like this…


and this…


I thought these looked pretty killer, so I had to make some for my office.  I decided on these colors…


White and light green. PS I already owned these paints. So this project was a total of $6. Woot Woot!

Once I had chosen my colors I just got to painting…


I wanted to leave part of the pot unpainted because I really liked the brown clay they already had going on.


Here is the white guy all finished.  I painted the perimeter of each pot at different heights because I wanted them to each be unique.

Here they are finished…


Since I now had my sick pots, I needed something to put in them.  I headed to lowes and picked up this guy…


This is called a pothos, I do not know much about it except it is neon green and requires low light, aka I love him. I also got this guy…


This one is the pothos friend, but he is called golden pothos. I liked them because they are both viney leafy plants, but they are not exactly the same.  Here they are in their new home…




I love how they pop out amongst all the white in here.


It’s not a big change, but it makes me happy to have some life in here.

More Yardwork

Remember when we said we were going to add some more plants to our front gardens? Which we left looking like this…


Poor little lone palm tree.


Well, Justin picked up these plants at… wait for it…. Lowe’s.


First up he got two Rhoeo plants. I LOVE THEM.  I love that they are purple!


He got two Gardenia plants, which grow the best smelling flowers ever.  He also got two more sanchezia plants, the same that we have in our back garden.  The few we planted in the back are doing so well and growing in nice, he figured why not a couple more for the front?


Lastly, he picked up some more mulch and a bag of planting soil.


Justin went solo on this gardening job, I was keeping busy cleaning inside.  He started by digging the edging up a bit so the mulch wouldn’t fall onto our front walkway so much.


Here is the garden on the right before.


and this is the garden on the left before.

Next thing I knew he was done!


Boom! He’s quick!


He put one gardenia plant in the back corner of the right garden, along with the two sanchezia plants in the front.


I bought two new hanging plants because our hanging flowers had seen better days.  These are green leafy plants that will hopefully last in my care!


I asked Justin to put the two purple rhoeo plants right by the front door because I LOVE THEM! The other gardenia plant went in the other garden on the left.  The gardens could still use a couple more plants but I think they are now looking a lot less sparse.

One more street view…
