Art for the Laundry Room

I am very happy with the laundry room at this point, but the wall opposite the garage door was looking pretty bare.  I knew I wanted some kind of art to display there.  So I thought about purchasing something off etsy, but wasn’t quite finding what I was looking for.  I then decided to make something myself and see how that turned out.  I wanted the art to be mostly white and pull some of the colors from the Dave Matthews band print already in the room and the wall color.  I decided to use these guys…


I am trying to go with a bird theme in the laundry room, sort of.  So I decided to try to draw feathers.  I wanted to do something unique though and came up with this…


I thought it looked pretty good and thought the gray color would go well.  So I started working on another in a more teal/blue color to match the other art in the room.


I drew these on a watercolor paper that is pretty heavy, then I picked up a couple frames with white mat.


Then added the art….


and then asked Justin to hang them for me.


I love them! They are exactly what I was picturing.  I am glad I decided to make something instead of buy.


and here is a view where you can see everything…


As you also may notice, the plant on the second shelf has changed.  I killed the last plant unfortunately.  I swear I cannot keep any plants alive.  I think it is easier to keep pets alive!


So I purchased this guy at Lowes, it needs low light and little watering.  I am hoping I will have success with this one! Wish me luck.

Decorating the Laundry Room

All that was left in the laundry room was my favorite part… decorating! I had some empty shelves and walls to fill, so off I went to homegoods.  I came home with some good finds too!


I first found these baskets, I knew I needed some kind of baskets to put my detergent and fabric softener in.  These do the job great.

I also picked up this…


a tinted teal glass jug and


some clothes pins.  I thought they were appropriate in a laundry room.  So I popped them right inside the jug like so…


And you get this…


I also picked up a cute little white ceramic bird that I thought would be cute on the shelf.  I then had this…


I needed one more thing to complete the top shelf, so I began searching the house.

I came up with this…


I wasn’t sold. Next up…


a framed bulletin board.  Didn’t love the look of that either.  Then I tried this…



And I had a winner!  Last thing I had in mind was hanging something on the bare wall next to the garage door.  I looked through what we had and decided on this…


It is a print Justin had plaqued for me from a Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds concert we went to in Canandaigua, NY.  We sat front row! It was amazing.


See! We coulda touched him!  Anyway, I asked Justin to hang it in the laundry room and it looks great.


That is the last of my decorating for now…


Almost makes me want to do laundry.

More Laundry Room Updates

The laundry room already feels bigger because of the brightness the light gray color on the walls brings into the room.  I love it!  One thing I don’t love about the room is the light…



It’s a white circle light hanging from the ceiling, fancy shmancy! We went to Lowe’s(of course) and picked up one of these…


Another boob light!  I don’t like how it looks in this photo though, you can’t see the marble look of the glass in person.


There it is hung nicely by Justin.  Pretty simple light, but a much needed update.

Justin also replaced the light switches as usual.


While at Lowe’s we also picked up some shelving that Justin also installed(he’s so handy).


Here they are all finished…


So much prettier than the wire utility shelving.  Still more to come with this laundry room! Not done yet!

Painting the laundry room

Next on my list to paint was the laundry room.  I wanted to brighten up the room and try to make it feel bigger.  This is what I have to work with…



Lovely color.  The semi gloss olive green has to go!  It makes the room feel so dark and dirty.  Not to mention that the last paint job was not done that well, there are dried drip spots everywhere.  I know it’s just a laundry room, but come on people!

First I took down the shelving and all the hardware that held it up.


This took a while, there was a lot of stuff hanging on the walls in this room.


From there I spackled all the holes.



Just love this beautiful color, it’s like the perfect shade of vomit.  After sanding everything down, I cleaned the walls and trim really good with pinesol multi-surface.  From there I gave all of the trim a good coat of semi gloss white interior paint.


I also gave the doors a fresh coat of white paint as well.


And I was set to go…

I decided to go with a very light gray color, I thought it would be perfect to brighten everything up.


As usual I did all of the edging first.


Once I was done with the edging I started rolling.  It was already so much brighter!


This was probably the most challenging room to paint yet.  It is small in there, especially with the washer and dryer not going anywhere.  I moved the washer and dryer back and forth to get from wall to wall.  It was a pain, but I think it came out well.


Much better!