Oh, hey new bathroom!

A little delayed, but I hope you all had a fabulous 4th of July!  We sure had a great long holiday weekend, we accomplished a lot!  We also got to relax and get together with friends.  I would say it was a successful little break.

Now lets get back to this bathroom! Last we left off it looked something like this…


We were well on our way to a new bathroom, but still had a few things on our list to finish up.  First up Justin installed the new mirror, which was also purchased from Lowe’s.  The mirror was the match to our new vanity…

They are both Style Selections Longshire Brand in Espresso finish.


Here they are all installed and hung! Much better than that 90’s vanity we had going on before. The next thing we wanted to tackle in here was the sink, having a toilet is great but let me tell you… it’s even nicer when you have a sink! So Justin got right to it.


Look at that beautiful new sink!


It’s even nicer when it’s on a vanity and hooked to plumbing!


This sink isn’t just for show… it works! Justin really is becoming quite handy.


There’s our new mirror and a little glimpse of the new light.

Next up I had to finish painting the trim and give the wainscoting one last coat.


Here it is all nice and white…


From here we were done with the painting and installing and it was just time to put this bathroom back together.


Our last toilet paper holder was attached to our vanity.  We really didn’t want to have it hanging off the vanity this time and the wall behind it was a little to far of a reach.  So, I picked up this guy at homegoods, it was only $14 and matched all of the faucets and the light fixture.  Which I unfortunately did not get any good photos of.  It is also from Lowe’s…

Just picture this guy on our wall above the mirror.

I also finally got to put up the shower curtain that started this whole bathroom renovation…


Sorry about the weird angle, it’s a small bathroom.  I bought this shower curtain at Target for $19. I love anything in an ikat pattern!  I also purchased that bath mat from homegoods for $12.  Here is the bathroom pretty much finished…


I still have to add some decorations and I already have some things brewing in my mind! Here is our updated list…

  1. Patch and sand all walls.
  2. Paint walls.
  3. Add wainscoting and chair rail to walls.
  4. Paint wainscoting, chair rail and trim.
  5. Tile and grout floor. 
  7. Install new faucets and shower head in bathtub.
  8. Install new light fixture.
  9. Install vanity.
  10. Install mirror.
  11. Install towel bar.
  12. Decorate! :)

Last thing I want to show you is a before and after…


Click the photo! It gets bigger!

The first photo is before we moved in, the second is once we moved in and I painted the walls green.  The last photo is now!  Woo hoo!