Displaying Our Faces

I knew I wanted to have photos of Justin and I, throughout our relationship, displayed at the wedding.  But, before I started pasting photos of our faces to poster board, I hopped on Pinterest(yet again), to find some better options. Here are a couple examples that I dig…



I thought both of these were easy enough.  The second option had a downfall though. I wasn’t sure how windy it would be the day of the wedding, and I didn’t want photos of Justin and I flying all over Florida.  So, I thought I would try to create something resembling the first example.

I found a couple 16 x 20 frames at Michaels that I thought would work.

wedding displayMy first step was to remove the glass and backing from the frames, since I wanted the photos to hang freely.


I wrapped the two glass panes between the backing that I removed from frames.  I then, taped them up to store safely.  I plan to use these frames in our home after the wedding.  No need to waste these perfectly good frames.

Charlie was also very helpful in this process…

helpful chocolate lab

Now that I had empty frames, I had to go digging for photos.  I found a bunch of my favorite 4×6 photos of Justin and I, and I scanned and reprinted them in black and white. I contemplated using color, but I like the vintage feel of black and white. That is what we are going for, right? I then, laid them out on the ground inside the frames.  I decided to use 24 of the photos, it seemed to be a good fit.

diy wedding photos

While at Michaels, I picked up 3 packages of screw eyes as well.

screw eyes

I thought these would be perfect to attach to the inside edge of the frame.  Then, I would be able to string twine through the screw eye opening and tie it in place. That would make it possible for me to hang photos from the twine with clothespins.  It will make more sense soon, promise.

I wanted to put the screw eyes parallel to the top of the photos I had laid out.

how to wedding photo display

I just eyed out the location on the right side of the frame, and screwed the screw eyes in.

how to use screw eyes

I wanted the twine to hang straight, so I needed the screw eyes to be in the same exact location on the left side of the frame.  In order to make sure they were in the same location, I measured the placement I had put them in on the right side.

Once I had my measurements, I was able to attach the screw eyes to the left side of the frame according to the measurements of the screw eyes on the right. I hope that makes sense.

wedding photo display

From there, it was time to attach my twine.  I picked this roll up from Michaels…


I started with the right side and tied the twine as tight as I could to the screw eyes.  Then, I stretched the twine across to the left side, pulling it pretty tightly.  I didn’t want my photos to sag at all once I attached them to the twine.

tying twine

Here is one frame all twined up.

making photo display

Everything was looking a little too gray for me.  I thought it might be good to add some color to all of this gray-ness.  So, I purchased these guys from a shop called ThePaperSandbox on etsy…

mini yellow clothespins

They are mini clothespins, I chose a mustard yellow color, thought this would liven things up a bit.

Then, I just started hanging the photos up where I had originally laid them out.

rustic wedding display

Before adding all of the pictures I stood the frame upright to see if the weight of the photos made the twine sag at all.  Luckily, it held up just fine.

photos hung with mini clothespins

I completed both frames, and here’s what I had…

how to make wedding photo display

We posted them on two columns at the reception.

wedding photo display

The columns were helpful with blocking any potential wind issues.

wedding photo display

Oh, and here is a peek of our pretty cake as well…

white and yellow wedding cake

Hope you enjoyed looking at our faces!  Thanks for reading!

DIY wedding photo display


No More Naked Hallway

The main hallway you see when you walk into our home looks like this…


Those walls look pretty naked to me.  I have been keeping my eyes peeled for good options for this wall for a while.  I knew I wanted a collection of frames.  Originally I was thinking a gallery wall, but that is a little too busy for Justin’s taste, so I needed a different idea.  I came across a couple things I was digging on pinterest…


This photo is actually from none other than my favorite blog younghouselove.  I love the idea of having a sequence of large square frames with large matting.  I also found this one that caught my eye…


Since I now had a plan in my head, I went over to Michael’s to see if I could find some square frames and I came home with these…


They are very large with a brown wood frame and white mat and they also hold an 8×10 photo. I decided to go with black and white photos and printed a few of my favorites.  This is what the hallway looks like now…



Want to see what pictures I chose…




Three of my favorites that I am more than happy to walk past each day.  Let me show you the view from the door…



I may pick up a couple more and make it a collection of 5, but I am not sure yet.  For now I am enjoying them the way they are!