Family Visit

A few weeks back, my mom, dad and sister came to visit.

I figured you have been dying to see the photos from this little family reunion.  So, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer…

IMG_5141Look at that family!  Couldn’t you just eat them up? I just love them!photo 2(8)photo 1(10)We had a super laid back visit, we just went where the wind took us each 1(9)We did do the touristy thing and asked a fellow Jacksonviller to take our photo in front of the Main Street Bridge.  Fancy huh?IMG_5160IMG_5150IMG_5174IMG_5180We visited the Jacksonville Landing one day.IMG_5200

Jess got her fortune told by Zoltar.  It was astonishing.IMG_5194IMG_5206IMG_5210We did lots of lunches and dinners with friends. photo 3(4)photo 3(7)photo 2(9)The Slide Into Summer Music and Craft Beer Fesitval was happening while they were in town, so we made a trek to that, of course.  We love us some live 4(9)photo 2(6)They had awesome food, music and vendors. photo 3(8)photo 3(9)The venue was in Fernandina, right on the 3(12)And, we even got our first family selfie!   photo 2(7) photo 4(7)The headliner for the festival was Railroad Earth, which we are all big fans of.  Railroad EarthMy dad left a couple days before my sister and mom, so we got to have a couple days to shop and do things that he would prefer not 3(6)photo 1(6)And, lastly we got to catch one of Justin’s hockey games…photo 1 photo 2photo 2(3)All in all, we had a blast!

And the visits over

I feel like my family came and went so quickly, even though they were here for a full 7 days.  I think everyone was ready to get back home to normal life again though.  Their last night here we went out to a nice dinner at Mezza Luna.  BUT,  before we left we had to do family photos as requested by mom and dad.


Group shot?


These were great to get because Justin set up the camera on a timer.  In this try I guess Justin is looking at John? And with another try…


Yup, John’s eyes are shut.  Unfortunately, we didn’t notice that right away so this is the best one we got.  We also got one of Jess, John, Justin and I.


And at dinner we had the waiter take a picture of all of us, with all of our eyes open.


Kinda blurry, but it’ll have to work.

St. Augustine

St. Augustine, FL is beautiful.  Seriously, go there if you get the chance.  I have been with my family a few times and we loved it so much we went again this visit.


Here I am, tour guide for the day.  Not really, I do not know why I am walking backwards.


There are so many cool historic buildings and unique little shops to check out.  I think it is impossible to see it all in a day.


Yup, here I am awkwardly alone on a bench.  This one of the little alleyways with the shops everywhere.



Jess, John and dad shopping, I really wish I knew what they are looking at.  Looks like something pretty fascinating.


and… we got some frozen yogurt.


We also stopped in this cool little bar where there was live music.


This guy was outstanding, he played some Allman Brothers, Grateful Dead, and even Prince.  Yes, Prince!  We hung out there for a while.


Here are Jess and John, really into it apparently.




Next we had lunch/dinner at an Irish restaurant right on the water, sorry I forget what it was called.


Nice view right?


Oh you want to ride in a horse carriage? In St. Augustine you can. I can’t help but feel bad for the horses though, poor babies.


Jess and John at dinner, Jess being social.


Dad and I.

Oh and I also managed to find a dog and take a picture with him.


I love me some dogs.

Hanging with the parents

Family gathering please! When my parents come to town we like to get together with Justin’s parents because turns out they all like each other!  Woo Hoo!  So once my parents had arrived at our house…


Yup, got a picture of them actually arriving.  We did a tour of our home(they loved it) then headed out again to see Kent and Sandy.

Kent and Sandy are truly the best hosts, they give us a good place to sleep and feed us delicious food.  What else can you ask for?


Of course we had some amazing food prepared on the big green eggs.  Seemed to be the area the guys liked to congregate.


What kind of luck do Justin and I have that our families get along great?


So nice to just hang out and relax with our family.   Justin even let my mom take a picture of him and I.


So there you have it, hope you guys enjoy your parents as much as we do.  Also Thanks Sandy and Kent for housing my family for a couple days!

They’re here…

…My family that is.

(Sorry about the lack of posting lately, it was for good reason though.  My mom, dad, sister and brother in law have been staying with us for the past week! Plan on reading about their visit a lot in the next couple weeks.)

My family arrived last Saturday and it was so great to see them all.  I hate being away from them, so when we are all together I make sure I enjoy every minute of it.


I couldn’t get out of the car fast enough when we saw them at the airport.  Above is my brother in law John and myself.


Above is my sister and I.  My mom took these photos and I love them all.


And yup, I cried. And apparently Justin laughed at me. So thoughtful haha!


I may be biased but I believe I have the best family out there.