Hi everyone!  Today I am pumped to try out my first attempt at a giveaway on the blog!  Let’s see how this goes.

A while back I posted about how I created some feather art for my laundry room.  I got so many compliments on these pieces that I decided someone should have a couple feathers of their own! Here are the two that I created for my laundry room…



I think they are pretty sweet! I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do!  And if you do… you could have a couple of your very own!

Here’s how it works.  If you would like to be entered into the giveaway I want you to comment on this post.  In your comment please write: “ENTER ME” and then tell me where you would like to put this art in your home!  For example:

– ENTER ME, I would hang these in my laundry room!

If you do these two things I will enter you in the giveaway.  I will be using to choose the winner, so there will be no bias here! I will enter anyone who comments before Friday 7/19/13 at 7am! If you are chosen as the winner you will get a choice of two colors for your new art.  These are the colors I can use to create your own custom feathers…


If you are chosen for this giveaway you will be receiving two feather prints which I will make by hand.  I will just need to know the colors you would like.  Both feathers can be the same color or you can choose two different colors for each feather.  I will just need to know which colors you would like, just give me the number that is assigned in the photo above to the color(s) you like.

Good Luck everyone!