Feel that Air Flow

Since it hasn’t been the usually scorching 90 degrees here in Florida lately, we have been leaving our windows and doors open more often to let some fresh air in.  It is wonderful.  The back porch is completely screened, so we are able to just prop the back doors open and not worry about critters getting in or our little critters(Charlie Bean and Zack Man) getting out, it’s perfect.  However the front door did not have a screen.  Booooo!  Notice how I said DID not?  Well now it DOES! Woo hoo for more air flow!  Here is our door pre screen…

tan house blue door

Hi cute little blue door, I love you!

In order to add a new screen door there were a few things that had to be done first.  It seemed that the door Justin purchased wasn’t quite fitting correctly.  He had to add some wood to frame out the door a bit and make it so our new screen door would fit and sit flush with our house. This was not an east task though, Justin’s dad came by to help him out. If we can’t figure something out we usually rely on Kent to make it work! Thanks Kent!

painting outdoor trim

See the new wood that he added?  He also added a piece of 2 x 4 under the bottom lip of the door so there wasn’t such a large gap between the door and the ground.  Since our home is stucco Justin needed to texturize that piece so it doesn’t look so smooth and stand out against the texture in the existing frame.

painting outdoor trim

See what I mean?  Oh and check out those adorable feet and nose! Char man is such a good helper.   Here’s a closer look at the texture on the 2x 4…

painting outdoor trim

We also caulked all of the small creases and crevices, I sure do love caulk.  Once everything was dry it was time for some paint.   I just grabbed a quart of white outdoor paint and went to town.  Here are my finished results…

painting outdoor trim

painting outdoor trim

Here’s  quick before and after…


Can you see the difference?  The white trim should look a whole lot whiter, but I think the only noticable spot from the photos is one little black spot in the top left side above the window.  In person this trim is bright white and looks much cleaner than it did before, so score for me.  The other couple differences you can see are obviously the missing wreath, booooo!  We can’t hang the wreath with the screen door up because it may tear the screen and aint nobody got time for that!  Also in this before and after you can see the added 2 x 4 that is now painted white, I think it gives the bottom of the door a more finished look.   Here is a closer look at the actual door that we added…

painting outdoor trim

We are lovin this screen door, it is so nice because we are able to leave it open and feel all the air flow!

When I was out, Justin sent me this picture after he installed the door…


It’s not a very clear picture, but it’s Zack enjoying the breeze.  And here they are in the back patio…


These dogs are lovin life.  Anyway back to the door.   We love it and we can change out the screen for a glass insert for the warmer months when we are running the AC and then I can put my wreath back up!

painting outdoor trim

Do you leave your windows and doors open?  Are your dogs as spoiled as mine?  Probably not.  Thanks for reading!

Paint it Blue

What are we painting blue now? Our front door! Woot woot! I have been dying to paint this door. It is so gross, boring and Black! Here it is…


It’s not horrible, but I really want to add some color. Our house is tan and our front door is black, how blah.

When I told Justin I wanted to paint the front door, he said we should do tan or black. He is so plain! I told him I wanted to do something bold and he was not thrilled with my idea. I thought about it and I figured the only compromise I think we could both live with would be blue. So blue it was. I then started my search for the right blue. I found a few photos on pinterest that I was really digging…


And how much do you love this guy….


And lastly…


I tried to find inspiration photos that had a similar tan colored home with white trim, just so I could really see how the blue would look with a tan color. Once I had some ideas I headed to Lowes to pick up some samples.

Once I got home I pried this guy off the door…


It’s some sort of hanger, we thought it was glued onto the door… turns out its a magnet.


and it’s disgusting. It took some serious prying, there was a lot of dirt holding that magnet on. Yuck.

While at Lowes I also picked up a sanding block…


I then sanded the door down really well…


Hey Zack! After the door was sanded down, I took some soapy water and a rag and cleaned the trim and the front door. I then gave the trim a fresh coat of paint in a white semi gloss.

We also changed out the old weather stripping on the door. The original weather stripping was brown…


We traded that out for white…


I also picked this up at Lowe’s for $5 a strip, we only needed 3. I think it looks much better with white…


Justin also screwed some new weather stripping to the bottom of the door…


There will be no air getting around this puppy!

From there I was ready to paint on my sample colors…


Let’s get closer…


These are the four samples I picked up from Lowes, they are all Valspar brand. We stepped back to take in the colors from the street…


Which one do you like? Well it doesn’t matter because… we went with the top left, which is Cornflower Blue! Hope that’s what you picked too. I ran back to Lowe’s and picked up a quart of the Cornflower Blue in a satin finish, I didn’t want it to be too shiny since the door has some small dents. The quart was about $15.

I started painting over each of the other three colors, then did the edges of the entire door…


Once a had a couple coats on the square panels and the edges, I rolled the rest of the area with a small roller…


Yay! Blue door! I had to leave the door propped open for a little while to let it dry. I didn’t want the edges to smear on the door frame.


Hey there blue door!

Since the door was all painted I felt it was necessary to get this fancy door some accessories. I ran over to Target and picked up this pretty wreath and a hanger…


I then hung her up and put our normal welcome mat back and we were in business…


Let’s take a quick look before…


and now…


Makes me wanna dance.

How About a Whole House Tour?

We have been in our home for three months now!  Already!  I have no regrets whatsoever with this house, I love every nook and crannie of it. If we had settled on one of the other homes we were considering buying I don’t believe I would be as happy with our choice.  So Woot Woot! Three months in and we have no buyers remorse!

That being said, I think we have made enough updates in this house that it would be an appropriate time to give you all a whole house tour, complete with before and after photos(my fav).

I decided to go ahead and include photos of the very first day I laid eyes on this house(the photos are from my phone and they aren’t too clear, sorry!), also I will include photos of the house the day we moved in and lastly photos of our progress! I will also explain what we have done in each area of the home to date and what we would like to do down the road. So hold on to your hats cause here it comes.

Front Yard:

Here she is! The first time I laid eyes on her, it was love at first sight.


And here she is today, this photo is a bit closer. I did not get a photo of the front yard on moving day though! poop!


What we have done:

  • Removed dying sago palm on the left side of the garage door.
  • Removed holly bushes, stumps and all.
  • Dug out all remaining plants.
  • Removed all garden rocks and pavers around gardens.
  • Trimmed back remaining sago palms.
  • Added in new red mulch.
  • Added solar lights.
  • Power washed house and driveway.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Add more plants/flowers to the gardens.
  • Paint front door.
  • Get new house numbers.

So far were off to a good start with the front yard.  I am sure this to do list will expand. Next up…

Dining Room:

This is the first time I saw the dining room at my walk through with our realtor…

photo(156)Here is moving in day…

377and today…


What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted the walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Steam cleaned the carpet.
  • Removed the chandelier and installed new light fixture.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Get rid of old couch.
  • Remove carpet, replace with new carpet.
  • Get furniture.
  • Find art for walls.
  • Add window treatments.

We are still unsure what we would like this room to be, we do not necessarily need a dining room.  We already have our table in our little eating nook in the kitchen and we now have the new patio set.  We are contemplating another living/sitting area.  We are not really formal type of people, so a formal dining or living room isn’t really for us.  We still have a long way to go in here.


First day I saw it…


Then on moving day…


And then here it is today…


What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted the walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Steam cleaned the carpet.
  • Added our desk, printer table and lamp.
  • Added some wall art.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Remove carpet, replace with new carpet.
  • Add walls and french doors to close off the room.
  • Get new corner desk.
  • Get book shelf or hutch for storage.
  • Add window treatments.

Still plenty to accomplish.

Long Hallway:

At first sight again…


Then on moving day….


And today…


What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Removed lighting at front door.
  • Added small hanging fan to front entry.
  • Added carpet runner.
  • Added long hall table.
  • Let Charlie live here.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Paint inside of front door.
  • Add glass storm door.
  • Add art to walls(possibly gallery wall).


At first sight…



Then on moving day…


And then today…


What we have done:

  • Cleaned grout.
  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Paint cupboards white and replace doors with new white ones or replace cupboards completly with new white ones.
  • Add granite counters.
  • Replace island with butcher block.
  • Get stainless steel appliances.
  • Add art to walls.
  • Re-grout tile(it’s all discolored).

Kitchen Eating Nook:

At first walk through…


On moving day…


And then today…


What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Cleaned grout.
  • Added our kitchen table.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Re-grout tile.
  • Add art to walls.

Living Room:

At first sight…



Then on moving day…



And today…



What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Purchased new couches.
  • Purchased new TV console and TV.
  • Made cornice for window.
  • Added area rug.
  • Added art to walls and mirror above fireplace.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Mount TV to wall.
  • Add decorations to nooks.
  • Possibly add a matching cornice above french doors.

Guest Bedroom #1:

First sight…



Move in day…



Then today…



What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Steam cleaned the carpet.
  • Purchased queen guest bed and bedding.
  • Added wall art.
  • Added rocking chair and small stools for tables.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Remove and replace carpet.
  • Get nice antique dresser.
  • Add more art to walls.
  • Make window treatment.
  • Get headboard/footboard for bed.

Guest Bathroom:



On moving day…




What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Added shower curtain and rugs

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Repaint walls(I do not like the color).
  • Replace vanity.
  • Possibly add bead board.
  • Purchase new shower curtain and rugs.
  • Add wall art.

Guest Bedroom #2:

First sight…


Moving day…




What we have done:

  • Steam cleaned the carpet.
  • Added junk.

What we still want to accomplish:

  • Remove border.
  • Prep and paint walls and trim.
  • Change outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Replace fan.
  • Get shelving/furniture for storage.
  • Remove and replace carpet.
  • Get desk for myself.
  • Purchase easel for painting.
  • Organize and store painting, sewing and crafting supplies.

I have a lot of plans for this room since it will be my office.  I am waiting until I find the right furniture and art.  I want unique things in here! I can’t wait to get going.

Master Bedroom:



Moving day…



And today…



What we have done…

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Changed outlet covers, door handles and hinges.
  • Got new bedroom furniture.
  • Added art to walls.
  • Purchased new bedding.
  • Added area rug.
  • Added rocking chair and old trunk.
  • Made throw pillows for bed.

What we would still like accomplish:

  • Add one more piece of art on the wall between the bathroom door and the bedroom door.

Very close to done! Woo hoo!

Master Bathroom:

First sight…



Moving day…



And today…


What we have done:

  • Add some decorations.

What we would still like to accomplish:

  • Remove shower and tub.
  • Remove linoleum.
  • Remove vanity.
  • Remove walls around the toilet.
  • Lay new tile and grout.
  • Add storage closet.
  • Add new vanity, mirror and light fixture.
  • Add glass shower stall.
  • Tile and grout shower.
  • Add art and decorations.

Basically we have done nothing in here.  We would like to change the whole layout of this bathroom.

Back Yard:



moving day…




And today!




What we have done:

  • Added screen.
  • Replaced ceiling fan.
  • Power-washed the house.
  • Painted doors.
  • Dry-walled, textured and painted back of house inside screened area.
  • Tiled and grouted floor.
  • Bought patio set.
  • Bought plants for inside patio.
  • Re-sodded yard.
  • Trimmed bushed and trees.
  • Removed holly trees.
  • Planted palm tree and magnolia tree.
  • Made garden around patio.
  • Mulched all gardens.
  • Bought Big Green Egg grill.
  • Added patio pavers.
  • Had new gutters put on back of house.

What we would still like to accomplish:

  • Add trim between grout and wall of house.
  • Add wall decoration in patio.

Laundry Room:

First sight…


Moving day…


and today…


What we have done:

  • Prepped and painted walls and trim.
  • Removed old shelving and added new shelves.
  • Added decorations and wall art.

What we would still like to accomplish:

  • Add art to wall on opposite wall.

So that’s our whole house!  I think we have gotten a good start on changes we want to make.  Of course we still have a few huge projects like the kitchen and master bath, but so far we have made some good improvements. What do you think?  Please share!

Switches, hinges, and knobs. Oh my!

Great title right? I think so.

We have decided that as we paint each room we will update the hardware and outlets in those rooms as we go.  It can get pretty expensive to change out every door knob, hinge, outlet and switch in a whole house in one shot.  I think this plan makes us feel a little bit better about the overall cost.  This is what the outlets originally look like throughout the home…


Pretty much your everyday light switch with some dirt to boot.  And these are some of the new outlets…


Fancy huh? With a dimmer!


One more…


They are just so pretty!  This is what the original outlets look like…


Once again, generic outlets complete with dirt and child proof plug covers.  Those were the craziest child proof covers ever, we had to pry them out with a screw driver.  The kids who lived here must have been beasts if they needed something that heavy duty.  We replaced those with these…


We decided to go with the square outlets and switches, just made everything feel more modern.

As for the doors, we are working on replacing the hinges and knobs room by room as well.  Here are the original knobs…


Oh yea! Gold! The hinges are gold as well.  It is hard to part with all the gold, but we are switching them out with these…


So much much better!


New hinges!  So these things are such small details to the rooms in our home but I think they make such a difference.  It just makes everything feel cleaner and a tad more modern.  So thank you to Justin for all your handy work.