Screening the patio! woo hoo

I woke up at 7:30am yesterday, in my opinion that is not late.  To Kent and Justin, I slept in.  I woke up to them already hard at work prepping our patio to install screens! Yay!


Charlie was project manager for the day.


They began with tearing out any siding that was under the covered patio.


Within minutes, bam! No more siding, only tyvek.  I know you’re on the edge of your seat, you need to know what happened next….


Well, from there Justin stood like this for a while, while Kent screwed the metal framing for the screen into place.  They made their way around the patio measuring out the right size framing for each wall of the patio.  Next thing I knew it looked like this…


Yes, that is a dog door.  Much needed in this home.  Once all the metal frame was cut and in place, they began installing the screen.  This is apparently the tedious part of the project.  Some hours later this is where they were at…


Oh yea! That is a screened in corner. Here’s some more screen for ya..


Plus some more glorious screen.


Once the screen was all in place, they went on to install outdoor drywall where they took down the siding.  Which looks like this…


Kent is apparently a master of all trades.  If you need something done in your home, chances are Kent knows how to do it.  I can clean or paint all day long, ask me to install a screen patio or some drywall and you’re outta luck.


There he is spackling away!


Here’s some more.


This post makes this job seem like a piece of cake, but this was an all day project.  Kent and Justin worked their butts off and I am very grateful for their hard work.  This patio now looks amazing and I am so excited to have the extra enclosed living space.


I am so thrilled that we can now leave our french doors open and not have to worry about little critters and bugs getting into our house.


There are still a few things to tackle before the patio is complete:

  1. Texture the drywall.
  2. Paint the finished drywall and surrounding posts a comparable color to the siding.
  3. Tile and grout the patio floor.
  4. Find outdoor furniture with table large enough to eat at.
  5. Enjoy our new living area!