Antique Goodies

I thought I would share some great antique I have accumulated lately, I know you all love antiques as much as I do right?  Of course you do!  Remember back when I went to Renninger’s in Mt. Dora?  Forever ago?  Well I got a few things that I never made an appearance here on this blog…

vintage milk bottles

Got these two for $4 a pop.  One is now living with me and one went to live with my sister.

Then I found one more that I had to have, also $4…

vintage milk bottle

Antique Milk glasses

They currently live on my sewing table.  Sewing table?  What sewing table you ask?  Well…

antique sewing table

I just so happened to pick up this guy while at Renninger’s as well.  Wait, it gets better…

antique sewing table

It has a yard stick carved right into the top!  Are you blown away?  I know! I was too.  And it was only $80! Boom!


It also can conveniently collapse and be stored flat.  Why don’t people make stuff like this anymore?

Sewing Table

Look how happy my sewing machine is to now have a home.  You’re welcome little sewing machine.  On the right side of my sewing table you might notice these…

antique spools

Sandy gave me these little antique spools.  I love them!

Antique Spools

And see that yard stick right in front of the spools?  That’s also a find from Renninger’s.

vintage yard stick

This guy caught my eye because it just so happens to be from NY.

vintage yard stick

Syracuse, NY.  Gotta have upstate NY love!

I also picked up a pretty sweet antique iron.

antique iron

I have always thought these were really cool.  I love that they are cast iron.

antique iron

This one even had a little piece of masking tape on the bottom that has a name and a date of 1960.  Pretty interesting.  It is now the doorstop in my laundry room and I have yet to stub my toe on it, which makes me proud.

Lastly, Sandy bought me one of my christmas gifts while we were at Renninger’s…

antique fire bellow

An English antique bellow.  Do you know why I love it oh so much?  Yup, because it has a girl and a dog on it!

antique fire bellow

Justin added a hook under our mantel on our fire place and it now hangs there…

antique fire bellow

That photo was taken when it was still appropriate to have reindeer on your mantel.  Here it is now…

Mantel decorations

So, there are some goodies I had yet to share with you.  I do have some more Christmas presents that you will hear about real soon.  Promise.

It’s What I got

I said remember that!

Just giving you some sublime love, but what I really want to share with you is what I got on my trip to NY.

As you already know I headed to the Hilton Apple Fest while visiting home and I also stopped in to check out Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors.  And I just so happened to have scooped up a couple goodies.  Let’s start with the apple fest

First up I’ll share something I gave you a peak of already….

photo 1(8)_Fotor

That is not photo shopped people, this is real life.  Charlie Bean is just this cute.  One more…

photo 2(3)_Fotor

Okay I’m done now, sorry.  In case you are wondering I purchased the bandana at the apple fest, I had the dog previously.  This guy was $5.95, so I think it was a steal.

Next up…


You’re probably wondering “what the heck is that?”  Well, it’s a lazy susan!


Justin makes fun of me because the table in our kitchen is a high top that is approximately 3-4 feet wide, making it pretty easy to reach anything on the table.  So this guy will most likely end up in the cupboard to help me reach spices that are in the wayyy back.  I’m really digging the different panels of stained wood. Susan was just $22 and was a gift from my mom for Christmas.  Thanks ma!

I also picked up one of these glass pumpkins…


I chose the green one on the right.  I think it’s time to get in the fall spirit! And why not with a crazy green glass pumpkin? Right? These were only $10 each.


And here is where it lives now…


There it is, looking all spiffy on my mantle.

I also got this little gem…


I love candy corn, whether it be the real thing or a little wooden painted one.  And for just $3 I was sold!

Now let me show you what I picked up at Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors

First off I had to take one of these home…


I know you’re totally thinking I took that sick boat home, but I am talking about this…


Yup I was actually talking about the bottles to the right of the boat. I picked this specific one because…


It says Rochester, NY on it! My home! So I had to have it.  It now lives in my laundry room…



For now it will hang out in here and it may move from time to time, who knows.  I may even plop a single flower in it sometime. I know I’m living on the edge with these ideas!

Next up…


I loved these as soon as I saw them, so I bought two!  For just $15 each.


I really like the little Lyon brand tag on the front, reminds me of my locker from high school, I think those were Lyon brand too.  Am I right?


I knew exactly where they would go too…


On the shelves under my desk!  I threw extra drawing paper in the right basket and in the left some magazines…


And here is my art room now…


I need some art on those walls huh?  It will happen someday.  And see that little picture frame on my desk?  That’s another present from my mom…


I love everything about it!  So there you have it, all the stuff that came home with me.  Well, almost.  I do have a few things I cannot share because they are Christmas presents. Sorry, can’t spoil the surprise!

Mirror Mirror

For a while now our mantle has looked like this…


Pretty boring.  I already mentioned previously that I added a couple things…


Well it still needed more.  Sandy and Kent let us know that they had an old mirror that they weren’t using that we could have if we would like.  Sandy showed it to me and I thought it would be perfect for above the mantle.  Here it is…


The coolest part about the mirror is that Kent made it! Told you he’s quite handy.  It hung in Justin’s house when he was a kid and now it is in ours.  I love it!


We decided to hang it about a foot above the mantle.


Then we decided that was way to high.  Made it look weird.  So we moved it down a few inches…


Much better, right? I agree, so that’s where it stayed.


Another angle? Okay…