Wall Sprucing

Since we changed out the carpet in our front rooms, I have been itching to make some other changes.

First, we received this bench as a wedding present, and it just so happens to live in the office now…

target slatted bench

It was on my registry at Target, it is the Threshold Storage Bench with Slatted Doors.  I think it goes well in this room, plus now you can take a seat if you wanna put your shoes on(even though we put our shoes on at the side door, we’ll just have to pretend that’s what we use it for).  I added a ceramic fish I already had to the shelf and also a couple fish pillows on top. What can I say? I like fish!

Next change was the current wall decor.  I wasn’t digging that we had black frames in these rooms with a wood desk, wood table and now a wood bench.  So, I replace the existing black frames with some new wood ones.

concert ticket art

signed hockey art

I kept Justin’s signed hockey picture and our concert ticket collages, but I did swap the walls they were hanging on.

green walls

Sorry about this dark photo, hard to get a good picture from this angle.   Since the concert collages were no longer hanging over the desk, we had a bare wall to fill.  Thankfully I recently received some bed bath and beyond gift cards and I found this guy on their website…

beach house wall art

It was on sale for $49 and I had a 20% off coupon making this bad boy only $39 and free shipping to boot.

living room office

And above you can also catch a glimpse of our new wall clock that was another wedding gift.

large wood wall clock

In case you’re wondering it’s the Threshold Casual Wood Wall Clock from Target, which was also on my registry.

I’m pretty stoker about how much homier these rooms are becoming.

Straight across from this room is our “second living room”, which was previously a dining room.  This room was also in need of some wall sprucing, so I decided to direct my attention that way as well.  I just so happened to come across a great deal on some frames at Michaels and picked up, oh you know, 6 of them!  Don’t judge me, it was a great deal, they are all matted 11×14 frames for $10 each.  I added some watercolor beachy prints to them and Justin helped me hang them…

sea shell art

I am pretty pumped about these, this may be my fav wall I have spruced to date.  Oh, and that little sail boat up top is a bridal shower gift from my friend Lindsey.  I totally dig it, and I may be feeling a sail boat collection coming in the near future.

I got one last frame from Michael’s that was also on clearance that matched these…

displaying photos

It was also $10.

This guy is now hung to the right of the window in this room.

light green walls green couch

I am now happy when I walk in the house past these rooms, as oppose to the blah-ness we once had.

Shall I share some before and afters?

On the day we moved in….

office before renovations

and now…

green living room

large walk clock

And once again on move in day…

dining room before

and now…

green and tan living room

wall art

You dig it?

Just need some curtains and I might call these rooms done.




It’s What I got

I said remember that!

Just giving you some sublime love, but what I really want to share with you is what I got on my trip to NY.

As you already know I headed to the Hilton Apple Fest while visiting home and I also stopped in to check out Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors.  And I just so happened to have scooped up a couple goodies.  Let’s start with the apple fest

First up I’ll share something I gave you a peak of already….

photo 1(8)_Fotor

That is not photo shopped people, this is real life.  Charlie Bean is just this cute.  One more…

photo 2(3)_Fotor

Okay I’m done now, sorry.  In case you are wondering I purchased the bandana at the apple fest, I had the dog previously.  This guy was $5.95, so I think it was a steal.

Next up…


You’re probably wondering “what the heck is that?”  Well, it’s a lazy susan!


Justin makes fun of me because the table in our kitchen is a high top that is approximately 3-4 feet wide, making it pretty easy to reach anything on the table.  So this guy will most likely end up in the cupboard to help me reach spices that are in the wayyy back.  I’m really digging the different panels of stained wood. Susan was just $22 and was a gift from my mom for Christmas.  Thanks ma!

I also picked up one of these glass pumpkins…


I chose the green one on the right.  I think it’s time to get in the fall spirit! And why not with a crazy green glass pumpkin? Right? These were only $10 each.


And here is where it lives now…


There it is, looking all spiffy on my mantle.

I also got this little gem…


I love candy corn, whether it be the real thing or a little wooden painted one.  And for just $3 I was sold!

Now let me show you what I picked up at Willowcreek Antiques and Interiors

First off I had to take one of these home…


I know you’re totally thinking I took that sick boat home, but I am talking about this…


Yup I was actually talking about the bottles to the right of the boat. I picked this specific one because…


It says Rochester, NY on it! My home! So I had to have it.  It now lives in my laundry room…



For now it will hang out in here and it may move from time to time, who knows.  I may even plop a single flower in it sometime. I know I’m living on the edge with these ideas!

Next up…


I loved these as soon as I saw them, so I bought two!  For just $15 each.


I really like the little Lyon brand tag on the front, reminds me of my locker from high school, I think those were Lyon brand too.  Am I right?


I knew exactly where they would go too…


On the shelves under my desk!  I threw extra drawing paper in the right basket and in the left some magazines…


And here is my art room now…


I need some art on those walls huh?  It will happen someday.  And see that little picture frame on my desk?  That’s another present from my mom…


I love everything about it!  So there you have it, all the stuff that came home with me.  Well, almost.  I do have a few things I cannot share because they are Christmas presents. Sorry, can’t spoil the surprise!

Living Room Art and Such

Since painting and adding new couches to the living room we have also added a few other things. Thought I would update you all on some decorations that have made their home in our home(I’m a loser.)


Remember this photo with the painting above the couch? Well here is a closer look.


Isn’t it cute?  That’s a little chocolate lab puppy in the rocking chair.  Now that I think about it that rocking chair looks just like the one I painted white that I bought off craigslist.  Anywho, Sandy and Kent gave it to us for Christmas two years ago.


Then, there’s these two, that are a couple more of my own artwork.  These are stipplings though. Check out more of my stipplings here.  Once again here is a closer look.


This is the little hall on the way to our bedroom.


And closer…


I think this is my favorite art in my home.  It is a print of a watercolor done by an artist in Vermont named Amber Alexander.  I also found her on etsy, you should really check out her shop as well.   She also has some outstanding art.  I cannot paint with watercolor, it’s just not the right medium for me.  I think that is what makes me drawn to watercolor pieces.  I am amazed that someone can create something as realistic as this with watercolor!  I also tried to dress up the TV console a little more…


I was really torn on what to put in the cabinets.  I added some of our favorite books out of our vast collection(that’s all of them.) Then I added two baskets that matched some other baskets I have in the room.  They are also functional because they are holding remotes and some sick 3D glasses(yes this sucker is 3D!) I thought about putting some picture frames in there but the shine on the glass made them hard to see.


Char watched while I took pictures.  He thinks I’m nuts.  Can you tell?


I also spruced up our end tables with some new knobs(they were blue) and some frames.


I then added some stuff to our lonely mantel.


That’s all the mantel holds for now.  A frame and a cute little ceramic mushroom.  I will add more eventually, when something catches my eye.