Dresser #2

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that I love me a good antique dresser.  If you’re new to my blog… Well, I love antique dressers!  Now, that we are all caught up, let me tell you about my most recent find.IMG_4107This beaut was another Craigslist treasure.  That Craig and his crazy list sure have a some hidden gems.  I got this tall antique dresser from good old Craig for $40.  Sure, it needed some work, but the $40 was money well spent.  Here’s a side view, just in case you didn’t get enough of the lovely dull yellow paint…IMG_4111I went a different route this time, then the last dresser I tackled.  Instead of sanding the many old layers of paint off this old girl, I decided to use a paint stripper.  I have never used a stripper before, so I was pumped to give it a try.  I did some googling to find out which stripping agent had the best results.  It seemed that most DIYers out there are loving Citristrip Stripping Gel.  I had my winner, I picked up this bottle of Citristrip at Home Depot for $11.98.  IMG_4116I have heard some harsh things around the interweb about paint stripping agents.  Apparently, they can have some pretty rank smells, and be damaging to many materials, including skin.  This stuff was rated highly because it has a nice orange scent and it is safe enough to use indoors.  And, although, I had the option to work inside, I still chose to take this project out to the garage (thank goodness, it was a filthy job).  I, also, used a good pair of gloves because this stuff will still harm your skin.

Before I went to town slathering Citristrip everywhere, I removed all of the knobs and gave it a good wipe down, including inside of the drawers.IMG_4117Then, I just used an old paint brush to brush the Citrstrip on every painted surface of the dresser. It took me about 30 minutes to cover all of the surfaces.  IMG_4131IMG_4138After 15 minutes or so, the paint began to do this…IMG_4135IMG_4150See all that rippling and bubbling?  Typically, this is not considered a good look for a dresser but, I was happy to see it.  This meant it was working, and faster than I expected.

From there, I just used a metal spackle tool to scrape the paint off of the dresser.IMG_4158Here is what it was looking like after I had scraped all of the surfaces…IMG_4162It took about an hour of scraping to get it to this stage.IMG_4164IMG_4168IMG_4172Pretty good.  Don’t you think?  But, still not good enough.  There was still some paint and a layer of lacquer left.  So, I did another round of stripping.  All the same steps again.  And, I had this…IMG_4174IMG_4176IMG_4179Do you see that top center drawer?  Ya those are flowers.  Pretty inlaid fowers that were covered up by paint.  Oh people.  Why do you paint over things like this?IMG_4181I think it’s a pretty detail, so I was thrilled to find it.

From there, I just grabbed my palm sander and gave everything a good sanding, twice.IMG_5227IMG_5229IMG_5230IMG_5231I, then, stained the all surfaces with the same Minwax stain in English Chestnut that I used on the last dresser.  And, I had this…IMG_5052IMG_5049I know!  You are totally doing this right now…giphyI get it.  I do.  I was doing the same thing.

I definitely wanted everything to stay as nice as it was turning out.  So, it was time to seal this puppy.  I used Minwax’s Water Based Polycrylic Protective Finish.  I ordered a quart off of amazon for $16 and some change (free shipping of course, thank you Amazon Prime!).IMG_5065I, also, bought a new higher quality paint brush, just to avoid any paint strokes.  When applying, I made sure to brush the sealer on in very thin coats.  I did two coats, some people suggest three, but since this piece wouldn’t get too much action, I figured two would be fine.  If I were working on an end table or coffee table I would probably go with three coats, since they would more likely have more traffic on their surfaces.  I let everything dry for a day, then added the knobs I had picked out.  I needed ten knobs!  TEN!  That’s a lot of knobs, and at the usual $5 a pop I was looking at $50, just on knobs!  Even though that would only bring the total cost of this dresser to about $100, I wasn’t digging that price.  So, being a cheapskate at heart, I googled around for some other options.  I knew I wanted them to be white and something that would look okay with the antique look of this dresser.  I came across these guys on Amazon (have I mentioned I love Amazon?)…51YE24aEWfL._SL1001_And, at $22 for all 10, I was sold!

Last step, I just put all of the knobs in place and VOILA!!…IMG_5080IMG_5087The stain and polyacrylic really made a huge difference.  I am stoked about how it turned out.  IMG_5085And, in case you are wondering where this old girl is going to live.  IMG_7449I am happy to tell you it landed in my art/craft/office/extra guest room. See it?  Hanging out over there on the far right wall?  We tossed the old futon that was living on that wall and put the dresser in it’s place.  I was needing more storage in here and what better than this dresser?antique dresserwhite dresser knobsIMG_5132I totally dig it and am so excited to have these big drawers for added storage.  wood antique dresserFor fun here is slideshow of the process…

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Have your ever refinished an old piece of furniture?  What were your methods?  Any suggestions for future projects? Do tell!How to Strip Furniture

Furniture for the guest bedroom

I think the bed in the guest room needs some company, it’s a sad lone piece of furniture in that room.  I would like to get a decent dresser to put in there for storage.  I also thought a chair of some sort would be nice and of course a nightstand/end table, you know you need a spot for your nightly glass of water.  So a few weeks ago I was checking out craigs wonderful list again and came across something I thought might work.  Consider me on the craigslist bandwagon, I can’t get enough.  That something I found was…


Yup, another rocking chair.  Who woulda thought I was a rocking chair collector.  I got this guy for $20, serious bargain. When I got it home it desperately needed a good cleaning, so I got out the murphy’s wood cleaner and started scrubbing.  You wouldn’t believe how much dirt came off this chair.  Eventually I will lightly sand the arms and restain them because they are so worn.  As for now it is good and clean and now the bed in the guest room has a friend.  I got the navy throw pillow from a store called One World Goods in Rochester, NY.  They sell all sorts of hand made goods from all over the world.  I think it goes well with the bedding in a not so matchy matchy way.  I still thought the guest room was looking a little sparse, so I added a couple stools/end tables that Sandy gave me.


They are so rustic looking which I’m a big fan of and get this… Justin’s great grandpa made them.  I mean come on, can this family get any handier?  I think it’s pretty sweet that we now have things in our home that were made by family members.  It makes me love those certain pieces of furniture that much more.


I added a little white ceramic fish that holds a votive candle and a picture of me and my dad.


I put the other next to the bed, you know, for the nightly glass of water.  I would still like to get a dresser for this room and who knows those tables/stools may travel around the house.  Don’t worry though, I will keep you updated!

Hallway table!

So, I mentioned before that I like craigslist.  Well, I made another purchase can you guess what?  A hall table!


Voilà!  I got it for $40! A steal yet again.  And here is another angle…


It is going in our big hallway that you see as soon as you walk in the house. Here(from the day we moved in)…


And now with my cute little table.


I also got a carpet runner for this hall, but I don’t think its big enough.  The walls look so much cleaner since we painted. Thank goodness.