Giving Thanks…

I hope you all had an outstanding holiday!  I sure did.  Justin and I spent our holiday at his parents house and as usual we had a blast.  I got a few pictures and I figured why not share!

Playing Cards on Thanksgiving

We played our usual game of phase ten and I won, wahoooo.

Family Thanksgiving

Kent was our turkey cook, he grilled the turkey on the big green egg and it was delicious as usual.  Thanks for being a great cook Kent!

Alex and Shelby

We got to hang out with Alex, Justin’s brother and his girlfriend Shelby also.

Justin and Vanessa

I sure am thankful for this guy, can’t imagine life without him.

Thanksgiving Family

Sandy of course made amazing food too! Thanks Sandy!!

Zack Yellow Lab

Char Man and Zack came too, and as you can see from Zack’s face he had a blast.  Hope you all got to hang with family and eat tons of food too!  We really are so lucky to have great families and we are super thankful for them this holiday!

Big Green Egg

Justin has been itching to buy a grill for a long time.  So without further ado….


He bought a big green egg.  He was having trouble deciding whether to purchase a regular grill and spend a little less or just get what he wants(aka the big green egg.)  I told him he should just get the egg because if he bought a normal grill he would end up still wanting a big green egg, and buying one eventually.  Then we would end up with a grill we do not need AND a big green egg.   Here is it in action…


Pretty exciting huh?

It does make amazing food,  Everything that comes off of it is so juicy.  Overall I think it was a great investment on Justin’s part.  As for now the egg is living on out back patio, eventually Justin plans to buy some pavers and make a little outdoor spot where it can live.   I think we all know that I will keep you updated.

Happy Easter:)

We took our first break away from working on the house this weekend.  We went to Sandy and Kent’s for Easter.  We had some great food and family time.


Kent and Sandy made an awesome dinner as usual.  Kent cooked on his big green eggs.


Cooking away.  So proud.


Had a blast with Justin’s grandparents.


The dogs had a great time too.  Pretty sure they would stay there forever if we let them.


So many dogs…


Also got to facetime with my family.  Thanks for the easter basket mom, I hope you still get me one when I’m 50! We had a great time and hope you did too!