Sprucing up the office

Since painting the office, we were pretty much left with a blank slate.  Since this is Justin’s office, he wanted to hang some stuff on the walls so it wasn’t so bare.  He started with a couple pictures of the dogs…


Yeah those are 8×10 photos of our dogs.  We know we are crazy, you don’t have to tell us.  Sorry about the dark picture, the window lighting is so bright all the photos were turning out pretty dark.   Next Justin wanted to hang a signed picture of some hockey player, sorry not sure who it is.


Then last he hung some concert ticket art that we had in our apartment.  Justin and I have both saved all of our concert tickets forever, even before we met each other.  I thought it would be cool to display all of them somewhere in the house…


The frame on the left has Justin’s concert tickets, the frame on the right are mine and the one in the middle is concerts we’ve been to together.  The funny thing is that Justin and I went to a lot of the same exact concerts when we were in high school and we didn’t even know each other.  Pretty crazy.  Here is a close up of the center frame…


We went with black frames in this room,  I thought they would go well with the color of the walls.  Also portions of the desk are painted black.  I thought it would tie in well.  So here is the office now…




Can’t help but make another list.

Office To Do:

  1. Paint trim and walls.
  2. Add frames to walls.
  3. Replace carpet.
  4. Close off room and add french doors.
  5. Add some window treatment(shutters or curtains).
  6. Purchase long corner desk.
  7. Purchase bookcase or cabinets for storage.

I am sure I will have more to add to this list as we go, but this is what we would like to do down the road.