The Ghost of Christmas Past

Remember that thing called Christmas, that thing that happened 3 months ago?  Yup, I’m horrible and I never shared the great things I received that have now been living in my home for 3 whole months.  So, let’s pretend we are back at this day…

Christmas morning gifts

When I posed with a boat load of gifts.  Please don’t mind my awesome outfit and hair, this is what I look like when I am pumped to start Christmas day.

Anyway, I got some great stuff from our amazing families and I wanted to share some of those things with you.

First up…

buffalo wall art

See that awe-mazing bison art on the wall?  Ya, that’s from my parents and I am in LOVE with it.  Lately, I have been pretty into bison, I don’t know what it is, I am just digging them.  I actually picked this guy out and hinted(pretty clearly) to my mom that I would love to hang it in my house.  If you’re wondering, it was created by an artist named Dolan Geiman, whom I found on etsy.  His work is A++ in my book, seriously check out this dog art <– click it! Or this guitar art? I am pretty much drooling over it.  I got the 16×20 print from his shop and think it is working well in our little kitchen nook.  While you have been gazing at that beautiful bison, you may have let your eyes wonder and notice that I also got a new table runner.  This however was something I picked up while looking for christmas gifts(I’m horrible, I know).  I got it for only $4 though at Target on clearance! Woot Woot!

green table runner

I like to think that the runner and the bison have become good friends and I sure hope so, because they look great together.

kitchen nook

Justin’s parents got me this antique rocking chair…

small antique rocking chair

Do you love it?  Me too!  They also got me a great throw that lives with the rocking chair…

Antique rocking chair
You may have noticed a copper boiling bin peaking into my last post in this picture…

Mantel decorations

If you didn’t notice, here it is up close and personal…

antique copper boiler

I have had my eye on one of these bad boys for a while.  I actually called Justin and asked him if I should buy one while out antiquing the week before Christmas.  Thankfully he said no, maybe he knew all along, hmmmm.  Good thing he didn’t let me get it because it was a gift from Sandy and Kent.  Let’s take another look at my mantel complete with new antiques…

antique decorations on mantel

Next up, I got this…

lab painting

I could not be more in love with this print.  My mom got it from a gallery in Colorado.  Does it remind you of someone?

Yellow lab sleeping

Like my Zack?

yellow lab in grass

I had it mated and frame and now it is on the wall above our couches…

green couch

And since were on the dog topic…

Dog Doorstop

This little bugger is a door stop from my parents.

Lab Doorstop

My sister got me some great stuff too, but my favorite is this…

Alex and Ani Sister bracelet

A sister Alex and Ani bracelet, she has one too.  If you haven’t heard of these yet, check em out.

I got some other great stuff as well that will surely come up in future posts.  Merry Christmas everyone!  Three months late #$!?