The Ghost of Christmas Past

Remember that thing called Christmas, that thing that happened 3 months ago?  Yup, I’m horrible and I never shared the great things I received that have now been living in my home for 3 whole months.  So, let’s pretend we are back at this day…

Christmas morning gifts

When I posed with a boat load of gifts.  Please don’t mind my awesome outfit and hair, this is what I look like when I am pumped to start Christmas day.

Anyway, I got some great stuff from our amazing families and I wanted to share some of those things with you.

First up…

buffalo wall art

See that awe-mazing bison art on the wall?  Ya, that’s from my parents and I am in LOVE with it.  Lately, I have been pretty into bison, I don’t know what it is, I am just digging them.  I actually picked this guy out and hinted(pretty clearly) to my mom that I would love to hang it in my house.  If you’re wondering, it was created by an artist named Dolan Geiman, whom I found on etsy.  His work is A++ in my book, seriously check out this dog art <– click it! Or this guitar art? I am pretty much drooling over it.  I got the 16×20 print from his shop and think it is working well in our little kitchen nook.  While you have been gazing at that beautiful bison, you may have let your eyes wonder and notice that I also got a new table runner.  This however was something I picked up while looking for christmas gifts(I’m horrible, I know).  I got it for only $4 though at Target on clearance! Woot Woot!

green table runner

I like to think that the runner and the bison have become good friends and I sure hope so, because they look great together.

kitchen nook

Justin’s parents got me this antique rocking chair…

small antique rocking chair

Do you love it?  Me too!  They also got me a great throw that lives with the rocking chair…

Antique rocking chair
You may have noticed a copper boiling bin peaking into my last post in this picture…

Mantel decorations

If you didn’t notice, here it is up close and personal…

antique copper boiler

I have had my eye on one of these bad boys for a while.  I actually called Justin and asked him if I should buy one while out antiquing the week before Christmas.  Thankfully he said no, maybe he knew all along, hmmmm.  Good thing he didn’t let me get it because it was a gift from Sandy and Kent.  Let’s take another look at my mantel complete with new antiques…

antique decorations on mantel

Next up, I got this…

lab painting

I could not be more in love with this print.  My mom got it from a gallery in Colorado.  Does it remind you of someone?

Yellow lab sleeping

Like my Zack?

yellow lab in grass

I had it mated and frame and now it is on the wall above our couches…

green couch

And since were on the dog topic…

Dog Doorstop

This little bugger is a door stop from my parents.

Lab Doorstop

My sister got me some great stuff too, but my favorite is this…

Alex and Ani Sister bracelet

A sister Alex and Ani bracelet, she has one too.  If you haven’t heard of these yet, check em out.

I got some other great stuff as well that will surely come up in future posts.  Merry Christmas everyone!  Three months late #$!?

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Well, not quite like Christmas down here in FL.  But in our house, yes it is starting to look like Christmas.   I didn’t go too crazy, but I do seem to accumulate more stuff as the years go by. So without further ado, it’s time to get our Christmas decorating on.  As you know we already have the tree…

live decorated xmas tree

Look at that happy little tree.  You know I can’t stop there!  The rest of the house needed a little Christmas love as well.  What better place to start then the mantel…

christmas mantel DIY

First up, the stockings!

christmas stocking on mantel

My mom sent these last year filled with all sorts of things for Justin and I(yes, we still get our stockings filled!).  These two became my new favorite stockings, so last years have been retired.   I also picked up a couple little reindeer from Hobby Lobby to hang out on this good ol’ mantel…

christmas mantel

It also got a bunch of candles and a cute little Christmas tree.  And did you notice that awesome new pillow hanging out in the basket?

monogramed christmas pillow

My aunt Kim sent this sweet monogrammed little pillow to us for Christmas.  Don’t you just love it?  Thanks Kim!

I also grabbed my glass hurricane that I used to decorate for Thanksgiving…

Fall decorations 3

And I used that sucker to decorate for Christmas too !  Versatility rocks yo!

DIY christmas home decor

This time I used a white pillar candle and just strung some red beaded garland around it.  I just threw it together and yup, love it…

xmas home decor

Some more reindeer joined the hurricane on the console.

christmas home decor

And a snowman to boot!

Next up I headed to the kitchen and plopped down our Christmas table settings that Justin’s mom picked up for us last year.  Along with a cute little centerpiece that we got to take home from Justin’s Work Christmas party this year! Love it!

xmas table decor

And do you see those berries in the background niche?  Oh yes I stole that idea from my Thanksgiving decor as well, remember these?

Fall Decorating

Well they got filled with beans this time, and I picked up some sticks with berries attached from Hobby Lobby and came up with this…

christmas home decor DIY

I dig it.

christmas table decor

I also added a gingerbread man…

xmas home decor gingerbread man

And snowman soap dispenser, gotta have one of those…

christmas snowman soap dispenser

Here’s some more Christmas decor and our massive Christmas card collection, yes that’s all of them!

xmas home decor

I made these pine cones a couple years back, just picked them up outside and spray painted them white and red.

christmas home decor DIY pinecones

Holdiday plates?  got those too.  And a handsome yellow lab.

christmas home decor

And of course some santa napkins…

santa humor napkins

Lastly we headed outside to get festive.  Justin tackled the front yard…

photo 3

Aren’t those globe lights in the tree just dreamy?

outdoor xmas lights on oak tree

I think it’s my favorite part!  We got them from Lowe’s if you’re interested.

christmas light supples

And last but not least, the palm tree on our back patio received a make over…

christmas lights potted tree

There you have it, our house for the holidays.  Hope you all have a rockin Christmas!
christmas photo

Oh Christmas Tree!

As you may have guessed this post is going to be all about our fancy schmancy Christmas tree.  I am a pretty big fan of Christmas, so you better believe we picked out our tree the day after Thanksgiving.  And now you know how long it really took me to write this post since Thanksgiving is long gone.

We were pretty jazzed to get our tree, since this is our first Christmas in this house!  We couldn’t wait to get festive and how about start with the tree?  Amiright?  The last two years we have had an artificial tree, but this year we decided to get a little wild and get a real live Christmas tree.  We’re living on the edge people!  Since it was black Friday we checked out the ads in the paper and we saw that Lowe’s was selling an 8 foot for $40, so of course we headed to Lowe’s.  We went with an 8 foot tree because at the lowest point in our living room the ceiling is 9 feet tall.  We were figuring we would put the tree in the corner of the room, where the ceiling is lowest, so 8 foot seemed appropriate.   Here is our pretty little tree in all packed up in my car…

christmas tree in SUV

Isn’t she pretty?  We also had to pick up a tree stand and a couple more strands of lights.  We always go with white lights, I think we both agree that we like the simple classic look of white Christmas lights.

prepping live xmas tree

Then we propped her in her new stand and I cut the netting off…

netting on live xmas tree

Look at that pretty little tree!  Here is the tree skirt that I made last year…

homemade christmas tree skirt

Last year I was looking for a tree skirt and everything I liked was around $40 and I was not interested in spending that much on a simple piece of fabric to go around the bottom of a tree, so I grabbed some fabric for about $6, cut it into a circle, hemmed the edges and voila… tree skirt.

Next up were the lights…

live christmas tree with lights

And then I added a red beaded garland…

live xmas tree with lights and red bead garland

Then came the ornaments, my favorite part.

live christmas tree decorated

and all lit up again…

live decorated xmas tree

While I’m at it I figured I would share some of my favorite ornaments.  Because I am sure this is intriguing stuff to you as well!

yellow lab christmas ornament

I guess I’ll start with this little bottle brush yellow lab, of course a yellow lab!

sabres christmas ornament

We also have 4 of these Sabres hockey pucks. Gotta represent Buffalo down here in FL!

white bird christmas ornament

Cute little bird in the tree also!

peace xmas ornament

Love this peace ornament from my mom back in 2011!

portrait christmas ornament

She also got this one for Justin and I a while back, complete with our mugs right on it!

baby bootie christmas ornament

How about we get a little sentimental with Justin’s little baby booties ornament!

And I thought I would also show you some of my favorite homemade ornaments…

homemade wood christmas ornament

I made this guy last year out of a portion of a Christmas tree trunk.

homemade christmas dog ornament

homemade christmas dog ornament

I painted these two a couple years ago.  Did you know that I like my pups?

homemade lightbulb christmas ornament

I also made a bunch of these guys a while back out of light bulbs, small branches, paint and some fabric.

And that’s that.  I love our first real live Christmas tree.  Makes it feel like home.  And how about a handsome dog in front of a pretty tree?

yellow lab in front of christmas tree

Okay one more!

photo 1

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