Baby Shower

So, my friend Gwen had a baby!  And, a few weeks ago I threw her a shower.  It was so much fun and I got to make a ton of different shower decorations. Wanna take a gander?  Okay!

First up, I made this little “Baby Warren” sign.  I just cut the letters out of some pretty patterned paper, and clothes pinned them to this chicken wire frame.  FYI, the babies name is not Warren.  Gwen wanted to wait until she saw him to decide on his name.  Their last name is Warren.Baby shower decorI, also, used the same floral patterned paper to make a couple bunting banners.   I just cut some triangles out of the patterned paper, popped two hole punches in the top two corners and strung some string through them.  Baby shower decorationsVoila!  Bunting banner made from paper.bunting bannerI thought a mimosa bar would also be fun for us non-prego people.  And, of course, Gwen still got to enjoy the juices and fruits to garnish…Mimosa barShower mimosa barshower decorationsI made some ham and turkey pinwheels for brunch…pinwheel sandwichesAnd, some dips and snacks of course…shower decorationsFor activities at this shindig, I didn’t want to do the typical baby shower games.  So, I thought onesie painting would be fun!  I had seen this idea around Pinterest, and thought it was simple enough to recreate.  outdoor showerI purchased some plain white onesies (in assorted sizes) and bibs from amazon.  I, then, hung them with burlap twine and clothespins from the posts in my back patio.  This way everyone could just grab the onesie or bib they would like to paint.hanging onesiesWhile pondering this activity, I figured the paint would seep through the onesies if I didn’t put some kind of barrier in between.  So, I cut up some pieces of cardboard for the girls to put inside of the onesies, so the paint wouldn’t bleed through.  painting onesiesI, also, thought that not everyone may be comfortable coming up with a design to paint off the top of their heads.  So, I made some stencils.  I just printed some outlines of objects on cardstock and cut them out.  Boom!  I had me some stencils.

This was a really fun activity, that I think everyone enjoyed.  The stencils were very helpful. Everyone got to be creative, without having to be super artistic.  baby shower onesie paintingAs for paint, I always pick up acrylic craft paints while at Michael’s, so I had a ton on hand.  I didn’t want to have to buy a bunch of fabric paint that I probably wouldn’t be using again.  So, I found a bottle of this Delta Creative Textile Medium at Michael’s…textile-medium-fabric-paintAll I had to do was add the Textile Medium to each paint color that I wanted to use.  It was a 1:3 ratio of the medium to the paint.  And, I had myself an assortment of fabric paint colors ready to go.  baby shower onesie paintingonesie paintingEveryone did such a great job, and thankfully Gwen loved how they turned out!onesie paintingonesie clotheslineonesie painting at showerHere are a few of the finished products…making onesiesonesie painting showeronesie paintspainting onesie with stencilshower onesie paintingPretty good, huh?

I didn’t want to get too crazy with the baby shower games, but I did put together one pretty common game.  It was the one where you guess what’s in the diaper.  I just melted 5 different candy bars and plopped each one into a diaper. name that poo gameAll the girls had to do was inspect each diaper and write down what they thought was inside.  I think you get the gist of it.  poopy diaper gameIt was quick and fun, and I had three prizes for the three girls that got the most correct answers in the fastest time. 1For the prizes, I just put together a few fun themed baskets…Prize tableThe first basket was a movie night theme.  It included: the movie Knocked Up (I thought it was appropriate), Junior Mints, Swedish Fish, and a box of Crunch n’ Munch popcorn.  Prize for showerThe second basket was baking themed.  It included: a brownie baking pan, two different brownie mixes, a measuring cup, a spatula and a whisk. shower prizeThe last basket was gardening themed.  It included: two flower pots, a bag of soil, four packets of flower seeds, gardening gloves, a shovel and a little garden gnome.shower prizesFor desert I just made some cupcakes and had some assorted candy.          baby boy shower cupcakes11121415And, lastly, Gwen opened her presents!  We even Face-timed with her parents so they could get in on all the action. 248539She got some really great stuff!

And, for favors, Gwen and I made some lavender sugar scrub for all of the girls to take home with them.Sugar scrub favors10Oh, and by the way, this is Owen…photoIsn’t he amazing?