Paint it Blue

What are we painting blue now? Our front door! Woot woot! I have been dying to paint this door. It is so gross, boring and Black! Here it is…


It’s not horrible, but I really want to add some color. Our house is tan and our front door is black, how blah.

When I told Justin I wanted to paint the front door, he said we should do tan or black. He is so plain! I told him I wanted to do something bold and he was not thrilled with my idea. I thought about it and I figured the only compromise I think we could both live with would be blue. So blue it was. I then started my search for the right blue. I found a few photos on pinterest that I was really digging…


And how much do you love this guy….


And lastly…


I tried to find inspiration photos that had a similar tan colored home with white trim, just so I could really see how the blue would look with a tan color. Once I had some ideas I headed to Lowes to pick up some samples.

Once I got home I pried this guy off the door…


It’s some sort of hanger, we thought it was glued onto the door… turns out its a magnet.


and it’s disgusting. It took some serious prying, there was a lot of dirt holding that magnet on. Yuck.

While at Lowes I also picked up a sanding block…


I then sanded the door down really well…


Hey Zack! After the door was sanded down, I took some soapy water and a rag and cleaned the trim and the front door. I then gave the trim a fresh coat of paint in a white semi gloss.

We also changed out the old weather stripping on the door. The original weather stripping was brown…


We traded that out for white…


I also picked this up at Lowe’s for $5 a strip, we only needed 3. I think it looks much better with white…


Justin also screwed some new weather stripping to the bottom of the door…


There will be no air getting around this puppy!

From there I was ready to paint on my sample colors…


Let’s get closer…


These are the four samples I picked up from Lowes, they are all Valspar brand. We stepped back to take in the colors from the street…


Which one do you like? Well it doesn’t matter because… we went with the top left, which is Cornflower Blue! Hope that’s what you picked too. I ran back to Lowe’s and picked up a quart of the Cornflower Blue in a satin finish, I didn’t want it to be too shiny since the door has some small dents. The quart was about $15.

I started painting over each of the other three colors, then did the edges of the entire door…


Once a had a couple coats on the square panels and the edges, I rolled the rest of the area with a small roller…


Yay! Blue door! I had to leave the door propped open for a little while to let it dry. I didn’t want the edges to smear on the door frame.


Hey there blue door!

Since the door was all painted I felt it was necessary to get this fancy door some accessories. I ran over to Target and picked up this pretty wreath and a hanger…


I then hung her up and put our normal welcome mat back and we were in business…


Let’s take a quick look before…


and now…


Makes me wanna dance.