What Goes Where?

I left you on a cliff hanger in my art room, I know you want to know what I put in my new IKEA drawers!  Well I won’t leave you wondering any longer…

First up I pulled everything out of my closet which looked like this.


Most of my art supplies were in this guy.


and here is the madness that came out of those drawers…


Want a closer look?


Lots o’ stuff.  So basically I just got to sorting, as I went I tossed things that I no longer use and found new homes for some things that just didn’t belong.  Here is what went into the Helmer Drawers.


Paints in the top drawer, color coordinated of course(that won’t last).


Next up… more paint, exciting stuff!


Yarn and ribbon anyone?


More yarn.


And then some felt.  I’m beginning to feel like an 80 year old women or a preschool teacher with what went into these drawers.


Lastly, some random things like my hot glue gun and some other adhesives.  So there you have it, organization at it’s finest people!  Oh and of course I made labels…


The rolling cart also had a make over…


And in the words of Biggie uh, and if you don’t know, now ya know!

Painting More Pots

Since I now had my new fancy rolling cart I was storing my sharpie markers in some terracotta pots that I just happened to have laying around….


I wasn’t diggin all of the random crazy colors going on in the room, so I figured painting these pots would tone things down a bit.  I seemed to be leaning towards more neutral/natural colors in this room so I decided to go with a dark green that would match my newly purchased trash can…


I got this guy at JoAnn Fabrics for $3 in their clearance section, plus I had a gift card.  No money outta my pocket!

So I dumped my markers out and wiped down the pots with a rag…


As you can see they are the usual rust color that you see on most terracotta pots.  I grabbed some green paints that I thought should make the color I was going for…



I got to mixing until I had a color that was comparable to the color on my trash can.  From there I just started painting…


I didn’t paint the inside completely because I had a different plan for that part…


I thought it would be fun to put a neon yellowish-green inside the pots.  So I mixed up another color and started painting the interior of the pots…


I was definitely loving the bright pop of color!  I then waited for the pots to dry then threw my sharpies back in…


Oooo la la! I love that the neon green sneaks through in between the markers.

While I was at it I grabbed a couple terracotta plates from the store to put under my plants that were currently living in my office.  They were much needed since when I watered them they leaked a bit on the desk.  They have been currently sitting with paper towel under them.  I decided it was time to fix the issue.  So while I had all of my paints out I just painted the plates to match the pots they would go under…



Yay! No more leaking.  Here is the office now…


Craiglist Cart

While I was checking out craigslist the other day I came across a pretty awesome metal rolling cart.  I knew I had to have it for my art room, it would be perfect to put supplies on.  I scooped up my friend Krissi and headed out to purchase it.  Here it is….


I have actually been looking online for something like this and have only come across really expensive options.

This one is for sale on IKEA’s site for $60.99 with shipping…

IKEA PS 2012 Coffee table IKEA The casters make it easy to move the table if needed.

I also found this one on Crate and Barrels website for a whopping $125.08 with shipping…


So I am pretty happy with my $20 purchase! Go craigslist!

The lady I purchased it from was really sweet and turns out she has her own etsy site called Busy Girl Vintage.  While I was there I spotted something that I also had to have.  Her garage had a lot of things for sale in it, she had told us she just had a garage sale.  I noticed this small metal box…



She said it was mine for $5.  I was thrilled since I had seen others online that had sold for around $25 with shipping.  Like this one…

Vintage Versa File Metal Industrial Storage Box

Which is $24.95 with shipping and then this one…

Vintage Versa Check File Green Metal Box with Closure

Which is $20.50 with shipping, so I pretty much thought $5 was a steal.

Once I got home I cleaned everything really well and set them up in my art room.  First I put some random art supplies that currently do not have homes into the metal box.


Thrilling stuff huh?

I then put some other art supplies on my new cart…


and on the bottom…


Woot woot! Now my art supplies can travel with me on their new fancy cart.


Still a lot left to do in here, but at least now there is a little more to look at!