Dresser #2

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know that I love me a good antique dresser.  If you’re new to my blog… Well, I love antique dressers!  Now, that we are all caught up, let me tell you about my most recent find.IMG_4107This beaut was another Craigslist treasure.  That Craig and his crazy list sure have a some hidden gems.  I got this tall antique dresser from good old Craig for $40.  Sure, it needed some work, but the $40 was money well spent.  Here’s a side view, just in case you didn’t get enough of the lovely dull yellow paint…IMG_4111I went a different route this time, then the last dresser I tackled.  Instead of sanding the many old layers of paint off this old girl, I decided to use a paint stripper.  I have never used a stripper before, so I was pumped to give it a try.  I did some googling to find out which stripping agent had the best results.  It seemed that most DIYers out there are loving Citristrip Stripping Gel.  I had my winner, I picked up this bottle of Citristrip at Home Depot for $11.98.  IMG_4116I have heard some harsh things around the interweb about paint stripping agents.  Apparently, they can have some pretty rank smells, and be damaging to many materials, including skin.  This stuff was rated highly because it has a nice orange scent and it is safe enough to use indoors.  And, although, I had the option to work inside, I still chose to take this project out to the garage (thank goodness, it was a filthy job).  I, also, used a good pair of gloves because this stuff will still harm your skin.

Before I went to town slathering Citristrip everywhere, I removed all of the knobs and gave it a good wipe down, including inside of the drawers.IMG_4117Then, I just used an old paint brush to brush the Citrstrip on every painted surface of the dresser. It took me about 30 minutes to cover all of the surfaces.  IMG_4131IMG_4138After 15 minutes or so, the paint began to do this…IMG_4135IMG_4150See all that rippling and bubbling?  Typically, this is not considered a good look for a dresser but, I was happy to see it.  This meant it was working, and faster than I expected.

From there, I just used a metal spackle tool to scrape the paint off of the dresser.IMG_4158Here is what it was looking like after I had scraped all of the surfaces…IMG_4162It took about an hour of scraping to get it to this stage.IMG_4164IMG_4168IMG_4172Pretty good.  Don’t you think?  But, still not good enough.  There was still some paint and a layer of lacquer left.  So, I did another round of stripping.  All the same steps again.  And, I had this…IMG_4174IMG_4176IMG_4179Do you see that top center drawer?  Ya those are flowers.  Pretty inlaid fowers that were covered up by paint.  Oh people.  Why do you paint over things like this?IMG_4181I think it’s a pretty detail, so I was thrilled to find it.

From there, I just grabbed my palm sander and gave everything a good sanding, twice.IMG_5227IMG_5229IMG_5230IMG_5231I, then, stained the all surfaces with the same Minwax stain in English Chestnut that I used on the last dresser.  And, I had this…IMG_5052IMG_5049I know!  You are totally doing this right now…giphyI get it.  I do.  I was doing the same thing.

I definitely wanted everything to stay as nice as it was turning out.  So, it was time to seal this puppy.  I used Minwax’s Water Based Polycrylic Protective Finish.  I ordered a quart off of amazon for $16 and some change (free shipping of course, thank you Amazon Prime!).IMG_5065I, also, bought a new higher quality paint brush, just to avoid any paint strokes.  When applying, I made sure to brush the sealer on in very thin coats.  I did two coats, some people suggest three, but since this piece wouldn’t get too much action, I figured two would be fine.  If I were working on an end table or coffee table I would probably go with three coats, since they would more likely have more traffic on their surfaces.  I let everything dry for a day, then added the knobs I had picked out.  I needed ten knobs!  TEN!  That’s a lot of knobs, and at the usual $5 a pop I was looking at $50, just on knobs!  Even though that would only bring the total cost of this dresser to about $100, I wasn’t digging that price.  So, being a cheapskate at heart, I googled around for some other options.  I knew I wanted them to be white and something that would look okay with the antique look of this dresser.  I came across these guys on Amazon (have I mentioned I love Amazon?)…51YE24aEWfL._SL1001_And, at $22 for all 10, I was sold!

Last step, I just put all of the knobs in place and VOILA!!…IMG_5080IMG_5087The stain and polyacrylic really made a huge difference.  I am stoked about how it turned out.  IMG_5085And, in case you are wondering where this old girl is going to live.  IMG_7449I am happy to tell you it landed in my art/craft/office/extra guest room. See it?  Hanging out over there on the far right wall?  We tossed the old futon that was living on that wall and put the dresser in it’s place.  I was needing more storage in here and what better than this dresser?antique dresserwhite dresser knobsIMG_5132I totally dig it and am so excited to have these big drawers for added storage.  wood antique dresserFor fun here is slideshow of the process…

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Have your ever refinished an old piece of furniture?  What were your methods?  Any suggestions for future projects? Do tell!How to Strip Furniture

Antique Goodies

I thought I would share some great antique I have accumulated lately, I know you all love antiques as much as I do right?  Of course you do!  Remember back when I went to Renninger’s in Mt. Dora?  Forever ago?  Well I got a few things that I never made an appearance here on this blog…

vintage milk bottles

Got these two for $4 a pop.  One is now living with me and one went to live with my sister.

Then I found one more that I had to have, also $4…

vintage milk bottle

Antique Milk glasses

They currently live on my sewing table.  Sewing table?  What sewing table you ask?  Well…

antique sewing table

I just so happened to pick up this guy while at Renninger’s as well.  Wait, it gets better…

antique sewing table

It has a yard stick carved right into the top!  Are you blown away?  I know! I was too.  And it was only $80! Boom!


It also can conveniently collapse and be stored flat.  Why don’t people make stuff like this anymore?

Sewing Table

Look how happy my sewing machine is to now have a home.  You’re welcome little sewing machine.  On the right side of my sewing table you might notice these…

antique spools

Sandy gave me these little antique spools.  I love them!

Antique Spools

And see that yard stick right in front of the spools?  That’s also a find from Renninger’s.

vintage yard stick

This guy caught my eye because it just so happens to be from NY.

vintage yard stick

Syracuse, NY.  Gotta have upstate NY love!

I also picked up a pretty sweet antique iron.

antique iron

I have always thought these were really cool.  I love that they are cast iron.

antique iron

This one even had a little piece of masking tape on the bottom that has a name and a date of 1960.  Pretty interesting.  It is now the doorstop in my laundry room and I have yet to stub my toe on it, which makes me proud.

Lastly, Sandy bought me one of my christmas gifts while we were at Renninger’s…

antique fire bellow

An English antique bellow.  Do you know why I love it oh so much?  Yup, because it has a girl and a dog on it!

antique fire bellow

Justin added a hook under our mantel on our fire place and it now hangs there…

antique fire bellow

That photo was taken when it was still appropriate to have reindeer on your mantel.  Here it is now…

Mantel decorations

So, there are some goodies I had yet to share with you.  I do have some more Christmas presents that you will hear about real soon.  Promise.

The Antique Market

Sorry for the delay in posting lately!  Our wedding is approaching fast and I have been busy working on getting everything ready!  I wish I could share all of my wedding projects, but it has to stay under wraps until our big day!  But I will be sure to make you sick to your stomach with all of my wedding ventures once we are married.  Ah Married!  That’s crazy!  Now on to the Antique Market…

If you live in Jacksonville and you enjoy antiques you probably already know about The Antique Market, if you don’t you will now and you’re welcome.  I finally made my way out to The Antique Market and fell head over heals in love with this place!  I was basically Ariel seeing the human world for the first time and I think we all now how enthusiastic she was.


And now I am going to show you this whole new world, get it?  Sorry I’m lame.


This place will try to trick you by looking all cute and quaint, but it is ginormous inside.  It goes on and on with booth after booth of antiques of all different kinds.   I love the idea of having many different vendors in one building.  I find that most antique collectors have certain things that catch their eye, and the pieces they sell usually show it.  I love to see the different style of each vendor and also can usually find at least one thing I fancy in each booth.


Here is one of the first booths that caught my eye.  In particular that rolling teal table.


How cute is that? I could see this as a short little coffee table or I would personally use it in my art room, it would be perfect to transport supplies around the room.


These trunks were something that I saw as soon as I walked in.  I don’t know about you, but I feel like I can never get enough storage in my house and why not let it be an awesome antique, amiright?  I would throw either of these guys in the corner of a bedroom or even at the foot of the bed and use it to store extra sheets, pillows, you know all that good stuff.


I am really digging little antique medicine bottles at the moment, here are a couple that I spotted on my way in.


How about this cute little guy?  You know I found him right away.  He was was heavy and if he came home with me he would be a doorstop.


They also have some great furniture at some really great prices, loved this one above and the one below… hubba hubba.



This booth you could smell from a mile away, look at all of those homemade candles.  And I’m talking good smells.


Here is a view of the rest of her booth and you now know how long it has taken me to write this post, with all of the halloween decor around.


This bench was almost mine.  I would love to have a bench like this by our front door, gotta have somewhere to put your shoes on.


This booth was amazing, it was sort of music inspired with some other goodies throughout.  My favorites were the mandolins hanging around…



I will learn to play you someday mandolin!


Did I mention I loved the furniture?  This booth was also pretty sweet.  I especially loved this old wheel…


How awesome would that be hung on a wall?


This guy also wanted to come home with me to be another form of storage, probably for magazines exactly as it was being used there.


Are you in the market for a squirrel nut cracker?  Well, theh you’re in luck… because The Antique Market has one!  Oh no?  You need a dog nut cracker? Okay…


Boom! Got that too.


This booth was one of my favorites.  It just had so many unique antique finds.  I love this desk/table on the bottom and also those wooden cube boxes on the very top.


This awesome dough bowl and copper bin were in the same booth.  And one more because this booth was so bad ass…


It had a moose!  Say what?  Yes, a moose.  Love it!


This booth was also pretty killer.  It had some great signs and bottles. Want a closer look?


The booth above had some pretty great chalkboards.


 I love me some crates and they have plenty…



The above booth was full of fishing, outdoor, and men type antiques.  I pretty much wanted to take everything home to give to Justin.


This industrial looking chair was amazing.


If you take a walk outside and around the corner you’ll find chickens!  CHICKENS!  I mean I thought this place couldn’t get cooler, then it had pet chickens!


And after you pass the chicken coop you’ll come across the Consignment Barn which is a little bonus that is right next door.

Here’s what you’ll see there…


But that is a different story for a different day.  For today I’ll let you just bask in the glory of the Antique Market! Oh and PS they have awesome employees/vendors.  They are super helpful fabulous people!  Go see for yourself.


So, I stumbled upon this amazingly awesome little shop in Jax Beach called Driftwood.  Let me tell you, I was blown away by this place.  If I were to open my own shop it would be very similar to this one!  Words can’t do this place justice, let me show you…

Driftwood Jacksonville Beach


Here is the view you’ll get when you walk in and then here is the other side of the store…


I mean come on with that brick wall!!!  And the antiques they have are beautiful.


I need this dresser/cabinet in my life, please!  This is the most beautiful antique dresser around, it is basically the bees knees in my book.  Not to mention that it was also displaying some pretty killer antiques as well, I could have stayed in this corner for days.  And how about this guy?…


So pretty, I love antique dressers with the small key holes on each drawer.


This antique wash stand also caught my eye.  All of their antique furniture pieces are really decently priced, especially considering they are all in great shape.


I loved these bar stools. I think they are so modern, but still a simple design, just my taste.


And seriously, check out this antique dough bowl, it was huge and beautiful.


I also wanted to take home every one of these scarves!


They also had some really great dog stuff, which I found immediately.  This book almost came home with me, I was so tempted.


Stories about adored dogs, enough said.

The back area of the store is lined with tall book cases which display art and jewelry, enough to keep my eyes busy for a while.


Here is another great antique cabinet and I love the tiered stand sitting on it.


Even their bathroom was amazing.  I want that rolling cart!

So, basically I found my new favorite shop ever… Driftwood!  Let’s take one more look…


Ahhh, so dreamy.  If you live in Jax it is a shame if you don’t go check them out! Not only is their shop beautiful, but the owners are so sweet! They are located at 415 Pablo Avenue, Suite 110, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250.  Support your local shops people! Thanks for reading!