Crates Crates and More Crates

Remember all of those crates that were scattered throughout my wedding?  Like here…wedding cratesAnd, here…crate decorationsvintage wedding decorationsAnd, a little more crate action here…crate decorationsLet’s just say, I wasn’t having a shortage of crates.  My dilemma was if I should sell them, or find a use for them.  Guess what?  I couldn’t bear to part with them.  So, they now live here…         decorating with cratesAnd, here…decorating with cratesHanging out in those crazy tall nooks in our living room.

I set up 3 crates on each side of the room, to balance things out.crate decoratingThen, I plopped in some other nickity nack things, mostly antiques, and called it a day.crates decorating with antiquesI used some antique milk bottles and antique crocks.  milk bottles and crateAnd, our “M” book from anthropologie. P1110961 P1110984So, that’s where all of the crates went, and our pesky nooks are finally filled!living room with cratesgreen living roomliving room

DIY Coffee Wedding Favor

I had considered many different favors for our wedding, and of course most of my ideas came from Pinterest.  I thought about succulents or candy, but ultimately decided on coffee.  I thought coffee would be fun and useful for most everyone, besides those few people who don’t drink coffee (they’re lame anyway).

We purchased small apothecary jars from a site called Favor Online.  Since we were buying them in bulk, ordering online was a great option.  Here is one of the jars….

coffee wedding favorsAlready filled with coffee as you can see.

I, also, wanted to give all of the jars a tag, labeled with some kind of cheesy saying.  Some examples I had found online are: “Thanks a latte”or “Love is brewing”, but I decided to go with the least cheesy of them “The perfect blend”.  From there, I just made a quick tag using some of my favorite fonts(Villa Didot and Janda Elegant) and, of course, our chosen saying. wedding-coffee-favor-tagYou dig it?

As you can see, I hole punched the tags as well, so we were able to attach them to the jars.  I, then, used some yellow string to tie the tags in wedding favors

Easy peasy!

As for displaying them, I thought an antique crate would be perfect. I picked this one up at the Avonlea Antique Mall in Jacksonville.

wedding favorsOh, and this crate just so happened to be the perfect size to house all of these suckers.  What luck?

wedding favors crateHere are the favors all set up at the wedding…

crate decorationscoffee wedding favorI love how they turned out.

As an awesome surprise, my in-laws had these personalized koozies made for the wedding, as well.  They, also, sort of served as additional favors for our guests.

wedding cooziescoozie wedding favorsIt was such a great surprise, and they were a hit at the wedding.  Look at all of these people thoroughly enjoying their koozies…

10375995_10100370194499757_5311669954555976097_n 10440885_10100370156431047_4494894395322331250_n

Hope all of our guests enjoyed their coffee and koozies.

What were your wedding favors?  Or did you skip the favors all together?  Did you DIY yours as well?  Tell me all about it!