Bridal Shower

My friend, Krissi, just got married! Woo to the hoo!

She asked me to be one of her bridesmaids, and I was thrilled.  All of the other bridesmaids live up North, in New York, and they threw her bridal shower and bachelorette shindigs up there.  Since, I am down here with Krissi in good ol’ Florida, I wanted to throw her a party to celebrate with her southern friends.  Don’t be fooled though, we don’t have many friends down here.  We pretty much hang with just each other.  Anywho, I wanted to throw a bridal/bachelorette/girls night/Krissi day for my lovely friend.

Here’s what went down…

I knew I wanted to hang balloons upside down from the ceiling, because I have seen many cool examples on Pinterest.  Here is what I came up with…balloons hung from ceilingI bought clear-ish balloons and filled them with pink confetti glitter, then hung them from the ceiling with pink ribbon. glitter filled balloonsI’ll give you a quick fun fact about Krissi, she is a health nut, and she was even more so because of her upcoming wedding. So, I made some cupcakes, which were the weight watchers recipe for red velvet.  I threw some colorful sprinkles on top, since I was going for a colorful “sprinkles” theme. bridal shower cupcakesI, also, framed a couple of my favorite photos of her and her hubby to be, Sean.shower cupcakesI made another good ol’ mimosa bar, because a Krissi party isn’t a Krissi party without mimosas.bridal shower mimosasI had other bevs for the non-mimosa drinkers as well. party drinksPlus, these amazing straws…funny strawsI picked the dog faced straw for my drink, who woulda thought?sprinkle partyTo continue with the “sprinkle” theme I found these awesome polka dot baskets and serving trays at bridal showersprinkle pretzels I made white chocolate and sprinkle covered pretzels and popcorn.  I could eat that popcorn for every meal for the rest of my life.  Seriously, melt some white chocolate and pour it over some popcorn, you will not be disappointed,IMG_0961For favors, I did these cute little succulents in mini pots.  The big guy was for the guest of honor, of course. succulent favorspatio party lanternsI found these little pink lanterns, that light up, at the dollar store. Sorry for being a bad blogger because I didn’t get a picture of them lit up at night, but it was really cool. pink lanternsKrissi was pretty pumped about the jello shots…IMG_1000 IMG_1010Of course, we got her some goodies for the celebration. I drew her pup, Oliver, and also got her a couple things on her registry.   IMG_1014She, also, received some mula and even some pesos for her honeymoon in Mexico! IMG_1026Just look how excited Charlie was about the pesos! IMG_6738And, look how thrilled he was to be smooshed by me!

We had a blast, and we will miss our Krissi so much when she moves back to NY.  Love you Krissi!

Here are some photos from her fabulous wedding…photo 1 photo 2 photo 3


Family Visit

A few weeks back, my mom, dad and sister came to visit.

I figured you have been dying to see the photos from this little family reunion.  So, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer…

IMG_5141Look at that family!  Couldn’t you just eat them up? I just love them!photo 2(8)photo 1(10)We had a super laid back visit, we just went where the wind took us each 1(9)We did do the touristy thing and asked a fellow Jacksonviller to take our photo in front of the Main Street Bridge.  Fancy huh?IMG_5160IMG_5150IMG_5174IMG_5180We visited the Jacksonville Landing one day.IMG_5200

Jess got her fortune told by Zoltar.  It was astonishing.IMG_5194IMG_5206IMG_5210We did lots of lunches and dinners with friends. photo 3(4)photo 3(7)photo 2(9)The Slide Into Summer Music and Craft Beer Fesitval was happening while they were in town, so we made a trek to that, of course.  We love us some live 4(9)photo 2(6)They had awesome food, music and vendors. photo 3(8)photo 3(9)The venue was in Fernandina, right on the 3(12)And, we even got our first family selfie!   photo 2(7) photo 4(7)The headliner for the festival was Railroad Earth, which we are all big fans of.  Railroad EarthMy dad left a couple days before my sister and mom, so we got to have a couple days to shop and do things that he would prefer not 3(6)photo 1(6)And, lastly we got to catch one of Justin’s hockey games…photo 1 photo 2photo 2(3)All in all, we had a blast!

Baby Shower

So, my friend Gwen had a baby!  And, a few weeks ago I threw her a shower.  It was so much fun and I got to make a ton of different shower decorations. Wanna take a gander?  Okay!

First up, I made this little “Baby Warren” sign.  I just cut the letters out of some pretty patterned paper, and clothes pinned them to this chicken wire frame.  FYI, the babies name is not Warren.  Gwen wanted to wait until she saw him to decide on his name.  Their last name is Warren.Baby shower decorI, also, used the same floral patterned paper to make a couple bunting banners.   I just cut some triangles out of the patterned paper, popped two hole punches in the top two corners and strung some string through them.  Baby shower decorationsVoila!  Bunting banner made from paper.bunting bannerI thought a mimosa bar would also be fun for us non-prego people.  And, of course, Gwen still got to enjoy the juices and fruits to garnish…Mimosa barShower mimosa barshower decorationsI made some ham and turkey pinwheels for brunch…pinwheel sandwichesAnd, some dips and snacks of course…shower decorationsFor activities at this shindig, I didn’t want to do the typical baby shower games.  So, I thought onesie painting would be fun!  I had seen this idea around Pinterest, and thought it was simple enough to recreate.  outdoor showerI purchased some plain white onesies (in assorted sizes) and bibs from amazon.  I, then, hung them with burlap twine and clothespins from the posts in my back patio.  This way everyone could just grab the onesie or bib they would like to paint.hanging onesiesWhile pondering this activity, I figured the paint would seep through the onesies if I didn’t put some kind of barrier in between.  So, I cut up some pieces of cardboard for the girls to put inside of the onesies, so the paint wouldn’t bleed through.  painting onesiesI, also, thought that not everyone may be comfortable coming up with a design to paint off the top of their heads.  So, I made some stencils.  I just printed some outlines of objects on cardstock and cut them out.  Boom!  I had me some stencils.

This was a really fun activity, that I think everyone enjoyed.  The stencils were very helpful. Everyone got to be creative, without having to be super artistic.  baby shower onesie paintingAs for paint, I always pick up acrylic craft paints while at Michael’s, so I had a ton on hand.  I didn’t want to have to buy a bunch of fabric paint that I probably wouldn’t be using again.  So, I found a bottle of this Delta Creative Textile Medium at Michael’s…textile-medium-fabric-paintAll I had to do was add the Textile Medium to each paint color that I wanted to use.  It was a 1:3 ratio of the medium to the paint.  And, I had myself an assortment of fabric paint colors ready to go.  baby shower onesie paintingonesie paintingEveryone did such a great job, and thankfully Gwen loved how they turned out!onesie paintingonesie clotheslineonesie painting at showerHere are a few of the finished products…making onesiesonesie painting showeronesie paintspainting onesie with stencilshower onesie paintingPretty good, huh?

I didn’t want to get too crazy with the baby shower games, but I did put together one pretty common game.  It was the one where you guess what’s in the diaper.  I just melted 5 different candy bars and plopped each one into a diaper. name that poo gameAll the girls had to do was inspect each diaper and write down what they thought was inside.  I think you get the gist of it.  poopy diaper gameIt was quick and fun, and I had three prizes for the three girls that got the most correct answers in the fastest time. 1For the prizes, I just put together a few fun themed baskets…Prize tableThe first basket was a movie night theme.  It included: the movie Knocked Up (I thought it was appropriate), Junior Mints, Swedish Fish, and a box of Crunch n’ Munch popcorn.  Prize for showerThe second basket was baking themed.  It included: a brownie baking pan, two different brownie mixes, a measuring cup, a spatula and a whisk. shower prizeThe last basket was gardening themed.  It included: two flower pots, a bag of soil, four packets of flower seeds, gardening gloves, a shovel and a little garden gnome.shower prizesFor desert I just made some cupcakes and had some assorted candy.          baby boy shower cupcakes11121415And, lastly, Gwen opened her presents!  We even Face-timed with her parents so they could get in on all the action. 248539She got some really great stuff!

And, for favors, Gwen and I made some lavender sugar scrub for all of the girls to take home with them.Sugar scrub favors10Oh, and by the way, this is Owen…photoIsn’t he amazing?


A few weeks back, we went camping at Santos Campground in Ocala, FL.  We headed down on a Thursday and stayed through the weekend, leaving early Sunday morning.

IMG_3804We met Justin’s family there, they had arrived a day earlier.  We set up camp and immediately went hiking.IMG_0858IMG_3864Santos Campground has, both, hiking and bike trails.  We hiked in the morning with the dogs, and biked in the afternoon(without the dogs).IMG_1069IMG_1024IMG_1083It really is a beautiful place to camp and explore.img_1104IMG_1025Char was the protector of our site…IMG_3809…But really, I think he enjoyed watching our fellow campers.

At night, we had dinner and hung out by the campfire.

IMG_1114IMG_1110IMG_1117I took a lot of photos on this trip, so bear with me.IMG_1240IMG_1277IMG_1233IMG_1293IMG_1274IMG_1290IMG_1283And, of course, the only biking photo we got…IMG_3892

So, if you’re ever in Florida and looking for a place to camp.  Check out Santos Campground, we totally dig it.


Warning, this is long.

Did you know that we got married?  Well, we also went on a honeymoon.  And yes, this all took place 8 months ago, and I am just now writing about it.  Better late than never, right?

Our honeymoon was a Royal Caribbean cruise.   We figured a cruise would give us the best opportunity to see as many places as possible.  Plus, we live in Florida.  So, it’s just a short drive and we’re at sea!P111001310176144_10100352448098687_7957205122374487220_nThis is the cool little shopping area on the cruise, and me awkwardly standing in the center…IMG_8947It was fun to stop into a different bar on the ship each night.  This was a historic/gothic type bar that we hung at the first night.P1100757P1100760The first port we stopped at was in Labadee, Haiti.P1100773When we first arrived we explored some trails in the woods…P1100776P1100781P1100778It really is such a beautiful place.  Look at that water…P1100784We also found some very interesting trees…P1100793P1100796For the rest of the day we hung at the beach, then went snorkeling.  It was amazing to see all of the different coral that made up the reefs and of course all of the fish.P1100799Did I mention that each night we had a 3 course meal!  And, FYI you can order more than one meal!  We ate wayyy too much food on this trip.P1100745IMG_8995Our next stop was Falmouth, Jamaica.P1100828P1100848The port we stopped at was adorable, but also very small.P1100834P1100835P1100838P1100846 It was suggested that we set up an excursion at this port. It was also suggested that we don’t venture out into the local towns on our own.  So, we took their word for it, and booked a horseback riding excursion.P1100853In the photo above we are en route to horse back riding on a bus full of other cruisers.  Let me tell you, it was terrifying.  Not only do they drive on the other side of the road, but they drive like maniacs.10338323_10100352411811407_2098724890099202616_n  But, we did make it in record time to ride some horses.P1100901This excursion was at a cute little ranch in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of hilarious horse handlers running the show.P1100902P1100903P1100918P1100923The horses were beautiful, but of course I felt bad for them.  P1100917P1100925We rode a bunch of trails in the woods, and we also got to ride in the ocean.P1100930I almost fell off my horse like 3 times and truly thought I was going to be trampled by the horses behind me, BUT it was so much fun!P1100934We also saw a couple shows on the ship.  One was an ice show and the other was a magic show, both were great. P1100827Next stop was Grand Cayman.  Now, this was probably the most beautiful stop on our trip. P1100949Look at that beach and the water!P1100952We rented some snorkeling gear and went snorkeling right off the beach.  Seriously though, that water….P1100968P1100960P1100967P1100981And, there were wild chickens and roosters everywhere.  Another win for Grand Cayman.  P1100948After snorkeling, we had lunch at a cute little place on the water.  We had some nachos and conch fritters, everything was delicious.P1100983P1100988P1110015IMG_8957This was at our favorite bar on the ship, it was nautical themed. IMG_8960Our last stop was Cozumel, Mexico.P1100944We decided to just walk the streets and do some shopping and eating here.  Along our way we saw a lot of these guys…P1100998Everywhere we looked there were iguanas, some were huge.

We had a couple drinks at Fat Tuesdays….10411315_10100352448961957_6531639298634821831_nAnd Justin got into a gun fight…P1110035He’s always such a thug.  Can’t take him anywhere.

Then, we had lunch at Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville.10372003_10100352450952967_3085058604853072401_nIt was right on the water and the staff were so fun. 10247341_10100352450139597_2191164338341890100_nThey danced and made a nice balloon animal for Justin…P111004410360189_10100352450808257_6197031824740180985_nWe had so much fun and plan to go on another cruise… hopefully soon!IMG_8961


DIY Infinity Scarf

I totally dig a good infinity scarf, I especially love a chunky one.  I have a few of my own, and I inspected their construction.  They seemed simple enough, I figured I’d give making one a try.  It turned out pretty well, so I decided I would share how I did it.  Here’s all you’ll need:DIY Infinity Scarf

  • About 2 yards of fabric, preferably light weight(1-3oz.).  Something double-knit or jersey would work well.
  • Thread in a similar color to the chosen fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing Pins.
  • Sewing Machine.

The fabric I chose is a gray, light-weight jersey material with little white scalloped stripes throughout.small-ruffles-on-fabricI used a gray thread that I had on hand that just so happened to match my fabric perfectly. Huzzah!gray threadTo start, I laid the 2 yards of fabric out on my desktop…fabric1Then, I just folded the whole piece of fabric in half, longways(like a hot dog).  I folded it so the scalloped side of the fabric was facing inward.  So, in other terms the fabric was now inside out.infinity-scarf-diyI, then, pinned the open edges together, making it one long tube of fabric…pinning-fabricFrom there, I just sewed the pinned edges together…sewing-straightI love when fabric has stripes, then I can use the stripes as a guide for sewing the fabric straight.

Once I had the whole edge sewn together, I cut away any excess fabric outside of my stitch.  This step isn’t necessary I just didn’t want a bulky seem.cutting-excess-fabric1From there, I stitched right over the same stitch one more time, just so I had a nice strong seam.double-stitchThen, I turned the fabric inside out, making the scalloped side facing outward.  From there, I folded the fabric in half again.  I folded from right to left, this time like a hamburger (I like food).gray-fabricNow, the tricky part.  I  had four layers of fabric at this point.  The right side of my pile were all open edges.  I grabbed the two center layers and pinned them together…sewingI pinned the good side(scalloped side) to good side(scalloped side), this will end up being the inside of the infinity scarf.  I pinned the entire edge which came right back around to where I started pinning.  Hope that makes sense.  I, then, sewed this edge, leaving only a small opening…sewing-holeSee the scalloped side hanging out in there?  Well, I just started pulling the fabric out of this hole until I had the whole scarf turned inside out.   I was almost done at this point, just needed to sew that hole up.  So, I just turned the edges of the hole inward and pinned the seam together…sewing-small-holeI sewed that seam up, and I had this…sewing-hemsewing-seemAnd there you have it!  A new homemade infinity scarf…infinity scarf DIYThis was actually a gift for my sister, and she didn’t even believe I made it at first.  See Jess?  I did make it!  Hope you enjoy it!making-infinity-scarf


Hello Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  A little late?  Shucks.  Well, here are some photos of our Christmas festivities….  Enjoy!

IMG_3744We spent our Christmas holiday with Justin’s family.  We had a great time as always!

img_0063We played our usual card game, Phase Ten, a couple times.  Justin won every time (he is no longer allowed to play).img_0076Justin’s mom got, both, him and his dad the same golf polo and shorts.  So, of course, I needed a photo of them being twins (they will both hate me for posting this, but it is necessary). img_3700I mean, is this even real?  They are so the same person!

I, even, coaxed everyone into taking a family photo.img_3741Look at all those Maces’!

Of course, the dogs had a great time.   And, you know I had a dog photo shoot!IMG_0465IMG_3723 IMG_3743Hope you all have an awesome dog to spoil too!  Merry Christmas!


Giving Thanks in New York

I know, I know, Thanksgiving is long gone.  I mean, we’re past Christmas already!  I’ll get my stuff together and be a better blogger, I swear!  Anyway, I wanted to share some photos from our Thanksgiving in New York.  Justin and I went to visit our family and friends up North for a few days, and it was a blast.

We spent Thanksgiving day at my sisters…

IMG_3173IMG_2966IMG_2951_2It was my first Thanksgiving with my family in a few years, so it was great to all be together.

IMG_2955_2IMG_2940I, also, got to meet my friend Christina’s daughter for the first time.  I just fell in love with her…

IMG_3164I mean come on, look at that face!  IMG_3172IMG_3165I got to spend time with some of my friends as well.

IMG_2972IMG_2989It was great to see everyone, and we had a great visit.IMG_3168Until next time New York!

Cards and Sparks

Going into planning our wedding, I thought it would be a lot of work, but it was more than a lot.  You have to think of every detail, I mean EVERY last detail.  You have to plan everything from the food, to the music, to bathroom arrangements, even things as simple as where people will put their cards.  Don’t get me wrong a lot of these things are fun to put together, but it can be a lot all at once.  Plus, I am not the type of girl who dreamed about my wedding day since I was born.  I didn’t really have a good idea of what I wanted in a wedding, so I started from scratch.

Anywho, this post is about a couple more things that I made for the wedding.  Just some more artsy-fartsy wedding stuff!

The first project was to find something to hold and display the sparklers that we planned have at the wedding.  Sandy suggested this galvanized bucket, that she had on hand…P1100206

And considering I’m a big fan of anything galvanized, I was on board.  Use whatcha got.  Amiright, people?  Now, to dress it up a bit.

I picked up these little burlap flowers at Michaels a while back for under $5 (can’t remember exactly how much, so that’s a ballpark). I knew I wanted to use them somewhere in the decor for the wedding.  How about on a galvanized sparkler tin?  Huzzah!burlap flowersBefore I got going, I decided I wasn’t quit digging those buttons.  So, I dug around my art room and found a solution…P1100207Pearls!  They feel a little more “wedding” to me then the buttons.

I pulled the buttons off, and hot glued the pearls on…burlap wedding flowersAh, much better!

I also picked up some thick burlap ribbon for a couple bucks, at Michaels…P1100217I wrapped the burlap around the top of the bucket, just under the rim and tied it in place…

P1100225As for how I attached it, I just tied it in a knot on the back and cut off the access ribbon.P1100219P1100224Voila!  Then, I hot glued some of my burlap flowers on…P1100232And Boom!  Just like that, I had my sparker tin.


As for the actual sparklers, Sandy purchased them in bulk online.  She also had matches made, personalized with our names and our wedding date.  I then, just put together a document that we could attach to each sparkler.  I decided to put use saying “Help Us Light Up The Night” on each sparkler.  From there, we just attached a set of matches to each document with some hot glue.  Then, we put a couple holes on the top and the bottom, where we could slide the sparkler through.

help-us-light-up-the-night-diy-sparklerNext up, I had to figure out what I was going to do for our card box/holder/basket, or whatever object you can imagine that can hold cards.

Here is what we used…

P1100251A birdcage! Sandy’s neighbor just so happened to have this guy on hand, and we thought it would be perfect to hold our cards.

I wanted the cage to match the sparkler tin, so I used the burlap ribbon and flowers again.P1100253P1100256This was a little trickier than the just wrapping the sparkler tin.  I had to weave the burlap in and out of the wire sides of the cage, still simple enough though.  I did this on both the top and the bottom of the cage.  P1100260I then, just tied the burlap and cut off the excess ribbon, once again.P1100265I also, tossed a paper doily in the bottom for fun.

Sandy picked up a couple cute little chalkboards from Hobby Lobby and painted the edges a sage green, I then just simply wrote “CARDS” on one.  You don’t want your guest to be confused to where the cards go, right?P1100264In case you’re wondering, I used twine to attach the chalkboard.  I just slipped it through the holes on each side of the frame, and tied it around the back of the cage.  From there, I just hot glued a couple of the burlap flowers on top and called it done!IMG_7362Pretty radical, huh?  Here they are being all matchy matchy…

IMG_7367As you can see, I made a “TAKE 1” sign for the sparklers, but that didn’t actually get used, we thought it looked better without.

Want some wedding photos?  Okay!wedding sparklersWoot woot for sparklers! Below are our mom’s hanging out next to the display.  Aren’t they cute?Sparkler display weddingAnd how about the card cage…wedding card bird cageHubba hubba!

Lastly, us at our sparkler send off!  You gotta do this at your wedding, it was totally fun and the pictures are pretty cool too!                      wedding sparkler photo

DIY Coffee Wedding Favor

I had considered many different favors for our wedding, and of course most of my ideas came from Pinterest.  I thought about succulents or candy, but ultimately decided on coffee.  I thought coffee would be fun and useful for most everyone, besides those few people who don’t drink coffee (they’re lame anyway).

We purchased small apothecary jars from a site called Favor Online.  Since we were buying them in bulk, ordering online was a great option.  Here is one of the jars….

coffee wedding favorsAlready filled with coffee as you can see.

I, also, wanted to give all of the jars a tag, labeled with some kind of cheesy saying.  Some examples I had found online are: “Thanks a latte”or “Love is brewing”, but I decided to go with the least cheesy of them “The perfect blend”.  From there, I just made a quick tag using some of my favorite fonts(Villa Didot and Janda Elegant) and, of course, our chosen saying. wedding-coffee-favor-tagYou dig it?

As you can see, I hole punched the tags as well, so we were able to attach them to the jars.  I, then, used some yellow string to tie the tags in wedding favors

Easy peasy!

As for displaying them, I thought an antique crate would be perfect. I picked this one up at the Avonlea Antique Mall in Jacksonville.

wedding favorsOh, and this crate just so happened to be the perfect size to house all of these suckers.  What luck?

wedding favors crateHere are the favors all set up at the wedding…

crate decorationscoffee wedding favorI love how they turned out.

As an awesome surprise, my in-laws had these personalized koozies made for the wedding, as well.  They, also, sort of served as additional favors for our guests.

wedding cooziescoozie wedding favorsIt was such a great surprise, and they were a hit at the wedding.  Look at all of these people thoroughly enjoying their koozies…

10375995_10100370194499757_5311669954555976097_n 10440885_10100370156431047_4494894395322331250_n

Hope all of our guests enjoyed their coffee and koozies.

What were your wedding favors?  Or did you skip the favors all together?  Did you DIY yours as well?  Tell me all about it!