DIY Infinity Scarf

I totally dig a good infinity scarf, I especially love a chunky one.  I have a few of my own, and I inspected their construction.  They seemed simple enough, I figured I’d give making one a try.  It turned out pretty well, so I decided I would share how I did it.  Here’s all you’ll need:DIY Infinity Scarf

  • About 2 yards of fabric, preferably light weight(1-3oz.).  Something double-knit or jersey would work well.
  • Thread in a similar color to the chosen fabric.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing Pins.
  • Sewing Machine.

The fabric I chose is a gray, light-weight jersey material with little white scalloped stripes throughout.small-ruffles-on-fabricI used a gray thread that I had on hand that just so happened to match my fabric perfectly. Huzzah!gray threadTo start, I laid the 2 yards of fabric out on my desktop…fabric1Then, I just folded the whole piece of fabric in half, longways(like a hot dog).  I folded it so the scalloped side of the fabric was facing inward.  So, in other terms the fabric was now inside out.infinity-scarf-diyI, then, pinned the open edges together, making it one long tube of fabric…pinning-fabricFrom there, I just sewed the pinned edges together…sewing-straightI love when fabric has stripes, then I can use the stripes as a guide for sewing the fabric straight.

Once I had the whole edge sewn together, I cut away any excess fabric outside of my stitch.  This step isn’t necessary I just didn’t want a bulky seem.cutting-excess-fabric1From there, I stitched right over the same stitch one more time, just so I had a nice strong seam.double-stitchThen, I turned the fabric inside out, making the scalloped side facing outward.  From there, I folded the fabric in half again.  I folded from right to left, this time like a hamburger (I like food).gray-fabricNow, the tricky part.  I  had four layers of fabric at this point.  The right side of my pile were all open edges.  I grabbed the two center layers and pinned them together…sewingI pinned the good side(scalloped side) to good side(scalloped side), this will end up being the inside of the infinity scarf.  I pinned the entire edge which came right back around to where I started pinning.  Hope that makes sense.  I, then, sewed this edge, leaving only a small opening…sewing-holeSee the scalloped side hanging out in there?  Well, I just started pulling the fabric out of this hole until I had the whole scarf turned inside out.   I was almost done at this point, just needed to sew that hole up.  So, I just turned the edges of the hole inward and pinned the seam together…sewing-small-holeI sewed that seam up, and I had this…sewing-hemsewing-seemAnd there you have it!  A new homemade infinity scarf…infinity scarf DIYThis was actually a gift for my sister, and she didn’t even believe I made it at first.  See Jess?  I did make it!  Hope you enjoy it!making-infinity-scarf


Hello Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  A little late?  Shucks.  Well, here are some photos of our Christmas festivities….  Enjoy!

IMG_3744We spent our Christmas holiday with Justin’s family.  We had a great time as always!

img_0063We played our usual card game, Phase Ten, a couple times.  Justin won every time (he is no longer allowed to play).img_0076Justin’s mom got, both, him and his dad the same golf polo and shorts.  So, of course, I needed a photo of them being twins (they will both hate me for posting this, but it is necessary). img_3700I mean, is this even real?  They are so the same person!

I, even, coaxed everyone into taking a family photo.img_3741Look at all those Maces’!

Of course, the dogs had a great time.   And, you know I had a dog photo shoot!IMG_0465IMG_3723 IMG_3743Hope you all have an awesome dog to spoil too!  Merry Christmas!


Giving Thanks in New York

I know, I know, Thanksgiving is long gone.  I mean, we’re past Christmas already!  I’ll get my stuff together and be a better blogger, I swear!  Anyway, I wanted to share some photos from our Thanksgiving in New York.  Justin and I went to visit our family and friends up North for a few days, and it was a blast.

We spent Thanksgiving day at my sisters…

IMG_3173IMG_2966IMG_2951_2It was my first Thanksgiving with my family in a few years, so it was great to all be together.

IMG_2955_2IMG_2940I, also, got to meet my friend Christina’s daughter for the first time.  I just fell in love with her…

IMG_3164I mean come on, look at that face!  IMG_3172IMG_3165I got to spend time with some of my friends as well.

IMG_2972IMG_2989It was great to see everyone, and we had a great visit.IMG_3168Until next time New York!