DIY Info-graphic Wedding Programs

For our wedding ceremony, I really wanted to have a unique program.  I am not a big fan of the more formal programs you normally see.  I wanted to have something a bit more us.  I figured, since we are pretty casual and always enjoy a good info-graphic, we should do something incorporating these two things.  Here is what I came up with, hope it makes you smile…

Scan 15

And on the back… Scan 16

I like the idea of an info-graphic full of fun facts about our relationship.

As for how I made them, I put together a couple documents in PowerPoint(yes, PowerPoint, believe it or not).  I like using PowerPoint for things like this, so I can move text boxes around and not have to mess with margins, spacing and all that jazz.  I also used some of my favorite fonts; I used Villa Didot, Learning Curve and Garamond.  I also found a great site where I pulled all of my icons from, called The Noun Project.  All of the fonts and icons I downloaded were free, which is a bonus.  Once I had everything in place I messed with the colors, knowing I wanted to use yellow and green.  Lastly, I played with the sizing until I found the size I liked, then I hit print.  My finished product ended up being around 5 x 7.  I did print these back and front, which also took some finagling to find the right format.  If you need more info on the back and front thing, I am sorry, but I am not tech savvy, I just mess with spacing and sizes until it works out.   Once I had my program printed correctly, I thought it still needed something.  So, I glued one of these guys on both the front and back…


They are the same paper flowers I used on both my save the dates and my invitations.

After printing, cutting and gluing all 120 of my programs, I realized I didn’t mention anything about the shuttle we were providing, as I had originally wanted to.  There was no going back at this point. My solution…

A welcome tag…

wedding welcome program tag

With some shuttle instructions on the back…

wedding shuttle note

The shuttle was mentioned in our guest bags, but I was worried that they may not have seen it. So, this was just an extra reminder.

To attach these little buggers I just punched a hole in the corner…

wedding program welcome tag

Slipped some string threw and tied it around the program with a bow..

Scan 13

See what I mean?

The last thing I had to figure out, was how I wanted to get these programs into my guest’s hands.  I considered having them waiting on each guests chair, held down by a rock, or possibly having them passed out.  But, both of these options involved additional set up or additional hands for passing.  We decided the best solution was to have them available on a table as guests arrive, that way they can help themselves.

I picked up this antique basket at The Antique Market, and lined it with some yellow fabric, and then some lace…


Here are the programs hanging out in the basket(prior to the welcome tags).

wedding program basket

And their appearance at the wedding…


DIY wedding programs

It worked out well, I believe most people picked up a program on there way in.


I had a lot of fun creating these little programs.

DIY Wedding Program

Wedding Program

Hope everyone enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed making them!


What did you do for your wedding programs?  Anything unique?  Do tell!

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