Rehearsal Dinner

My new in-laws threw an amazing rehearsal dinner for Justin and I the day before our wedding, and we had a blast.  We know that traditionally people invite all out of town guests to their rehearsal dinner, but we decided to go a different route since pretty much all of our guests are out of towners.  If we were to do the traditionally rehearsal dinner we would basically be having two wedding receptions.  So, we decided to go with a more intimate dinner including our immediate family and our wedding party.  I am so glad we made this decision, because it gave me a chance to have an awesome dinner with the most important attendants at our wedding!

Sandy chose the Halifax Plantation for the venue.

Here are the invitations…

Personalized rehearsal dinner invitations

I’m pretty obsessed with them. Oh and check out the back…

rehearsal dinner invitaions

A little V+J action going on.

rehearsal dinner decorations

We had this beautiful little room all to ourselves.

The decorations were a little sneak peak to the wedding decor…

rehearsal dinner decor

rehearsal dinner decorations

We hung out, had some drinks and ate some finger foods while we waited for everyone to arrive.






Love this photo of our moms!


Had to get a photo of the shiny head club.

The dinner was delicious and Sandy even made these cute menus with our options for the night.

rehearsal dinner menu

She also made favors for everyone…

rehearsal dinner candy bar

They are personalized candy bars…

personalized candy

wedding candy bar

I love the back!







Such a wonderful night with our families and friends!



Bridal Showering

Remember how I went home a while back?  Welllll my mom and sister threw me a bridal shower.  Thought I would share all the details.

bridal shower decorations

Here is what I got to see when I walked in!  Love the table settings oh-so-much.

bridal shower tables

Jess decorated everything according to my style and I would say she did a pretty bang up job because I loved every detail.

wildflowers bridal shower

She got all of the vases from a seller on etsy and they were filled with none other than wildflowers.

bridal shower favors

The favors were bracelets and also an etsy find.

bridal shower

mr and mrs sign bridal shower

This Mr & Mrs sign was yet another etsy score.

ice tea lemonade bridal shower

Jess even made a little ice tea and lemonade station.  As you can see the cups are mason jars with paper straws.

mason jars paper straws bridal shower

Once I was done taking in all of the awesome decorations we ate some food.

Food at Bridal Shower

Then we played a couple games.

Bridal Bingo

One was bridal bingo which was played while I opened gifts.

bridal shower gift table

Picture frame bridal shower

I got some pretty amazing gifts, above is an engraved frame.


How about this sick little “M” book that my mom got from anthropologie.

Monogrammed Pillow Bridal Shower

Jess got me this pillow complete with my new last name.

Bird bowls

Also got these cute bird bowls from my mom.

Bridal Shower Gifts

Lots of kitchen thangs.

Bridal Shower label maker

A label maker which was one of the first things added to my registry, love me some labeling.

Candle bridal shower gift

Justin’s mom, Sandy, got me this amazing basket of candles that came with a poem.  Here is what it said…

A basket of candles that come in a pair
in all different colors, for you two to share.
The white ones burn first;
they are wrapped in white lace
to celebrate your first married night
in your new chosen place.
The green pair is taller, and also much thinner;
burn with the first company you have over for dinner.
The dark blue candles are for after your first fight;
use them to burn while making up all night.
Pink candles set the mood and pave the way
for your first married Valentine’s Day.
Now, when your first year of marriage is through,
the cream anniversary pair, will light for you two.
Red candles aflame, both your futures are bright;
celebrate promotions you’ve worked toward with all of your might.
By this time we hope, maybe, just maybe
you can light the purple ones, on the birth of your baby.
And just when you thought you’d put these away,
take the light blue ones out for your fifth anniversary day.
Now just one more pair left – for the big “two five” –
the anniversary pair that will keep your love alive.
Congratulations (Bride and Groom)
on the start of your forever.
May the two of you always be happy together.
And burn these candles just the way we said,
but please don’t forget: blow them out before bed!

Bridal Shower Candle Poem

The basket had every pair of candles mentioned in the poem and also some cute candle holders.  I may have teared up when reading it.

I got this awesome basket full of antique goodies from my friend Christina…

Antique Shower Gift

She basically stalked me when I went to her moms antique shop, and picked up everything I liked from way back in September.  Sneaky little Christina.

After gifts, it was time for cake.

bridal shower cake

Is that not the most amazing bridal shower cake you have ever seen? And yes those are photos of my parents and Justin’s parents on their wedding days way back when.

shower cake

Cutting Cake Bridal Shower

Oh yes, they let me cut this beautiful cake.

I had such a great time and I truly loved seeing all of my family and friends.

Family at bridal shower

Big Jim(my dad) even showed up for a little while.

Friends table bridal shower

Friends at Bridal Shower


Family table

cousins at bridal shower

moms at bridal shower

I may be a little biased, but this was the best bridal shower I have ever attended.