Merry Merry Merry Merry Christmas!

I’m hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas!  We had a blast this year.  We spent our holiday at Justin’s parents house.

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Zack refused to come unless he could dress as a reindeer.

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I was so pumped because Justin’s brother Tyler was in town to visit.

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This photo is a miracle because these guys are all rarely in the same city at the same time and even more rarely all let me take a photo of them! I don’t know why, they are all so handsome!

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Char man loves the chuck it.

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Got a photo of Justin and I also.  Don’t mind my face though, I think this is mid laugh, this is as good as it gets people!

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Justin’s brother Alex and his girlfriend Shelby came too.


The Hayden family also came over for the day.  As you can see Charlie cannot take his eyes off of Justin even for a minute.

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Also don’t be confused, the photo above is Justin and the one below is Kent.  I guess they say like father like son for a reason.

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And did I mention that we all have dogs and brought them with us?

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Don’t worry they were all spoiled, here’s Charlie’s gift load…

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So there you have it.  We all had a great Christmas and now we will start our count down for Christmas 2014!  We love our families so much and are so grateful for them!  Hope you are as lucky as us!

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