Going green

Hello friends. Hope you had a very merry Christmas. We had a great holiday and I am gonna tell you all about it, but first let’s talk closets. Remember this closet?


This disaster of a closet was calling for some help.  So, I cleared everything out and have started to organize EVERYTHING!  While in the process I started to notice how dirty the walls of this closet are…

closet before paint

Let’s get a little closer…

closet before paint

As you can see the child that previously lived here used her closet as her art studio.  Do you know where I am going with this? Yup, it was time to get my painting on. I wanted to do something a little darker since the walls in this room are so close to white…

art room with ikea desk

Since the room also has some green accents I thought that would be a good color to go with, another bonus is that it is my favorite color.  I chose a color similar to the color in the front office and living room.  I did some quick cleaning of the walls and prepping, then got to painting!



As you can see it’s not a crazy green color, which now I think I maybe should have gone with something a little more vibrant.  Here is the finished product…




Do you Ike it? Either way it feels much cleaner and I love clean, so I am pleased. I am still doing some major organizing, I’ll keep you updated on how that’s going.