Echo at the Beach

I recently headed down to the beach and stopped into one of my favorite beach shops, Echo at the Beach.  If you have not been before you need to check it out.  It is packed with all sorts of great art pieces, thrifted finds and beautiful clothing.

Echo at the Beach

I wanted to show you some of the great things I saw there and maybe what I would do with them in my home!  I love me some window shopping.

When I first walked in I saw this blanket…


I thought it was so unique and I loved how artsy it was and still being quilt like, those two things usually don’t go hand in hand, but this was rocking it.  If this guy came home with me it would probably end up on the back of the futon in my art room as a cool throw.

I only had to turn about a foot and stumbled upon this little guy…

mid century mod stool

How sick is this mid century modern stool?  This thrifted find was only $40, I am telling you, it was very hard for me not to take this home.  I would have put it in my living room and pulled it out to be used as an ottoman whenever the time felt right.

They also had some amazing antique dressers and I think we all know how I feel about dressers by now.


Are you drooling over the one above? Don’t worry I am too.  How about this one?…


Sorry, this one was sold already! Shucks.  Don’t worry there is plenty more awesomeness to find here.  How about this awesome little side table/stool?


I want this to come home with me as well, but I don’t have a spot for it.  I think it would be cute in a child’s bathroom as a stool, or a living room as a unique little end table!

If you are a jewelry girl than you need to check out the unique pieces they have here.

echo at the beach

I am not a bold jewelry girl, but I love girls who can pull it off.  If you are one of those girls you would love this.

echo at the beach

They did however have some jewelry that is more my style…

echo at the beach

Now these are my jam!  They are cuff bracelets made from leather and vintage accents.  The brown one on the bottom shelf all the way to the left with the turquoise gems was calling my name!

And you know I had to find the only dog item in the store…

echo at the beach

I mean, come on with this dog bed!  I   am   in   LOVE!  Too bad my dogs are ginormous!

Here are their back rooms…

echo at the beach

echo at the beach

Don’t you wish you were there?

And lastly I thought this lantern would be amazing with a pillar candle inside, hanging out next to my fireplace!

lantern and baskets

Overall, I would have to say that Echo at the Beach is pretty outstanding.  And guess what… the are having a pre black Friday sale TODAY(Nov. 22nd) from 4pm-9pm.  Go check em out!

What Goes Where?

I left you on a cliff hanger in my art room, I know you want to know what I put in my new IKEA drawers!  Well I won’t leave you wondering any longer…

First up I pulled everything out of my closet which looked like this.


Most of my art supplies were in this guy.


and here is the madness that came out of those drawers…


Want a closer look?


Lots o’ stuff.  So basically I just got to sorting, as I went I tossed things that I no longer use and found new homes for some things that just didn’t belong.  Here is what went into the Helmer Drawers.


Paints in the top drawer, color coordinated of course(that won’t last).


Next up… more paint, exciting stuff!


Yarn and ribbon anyone?


More yarn.


And then some felt.  I’m beginning to feel like an 80 year old women or a preschool teacher with what went into these drawers.


Lastly, some random things like my hot glue gun and some other adhesives.  So there you have it, organization at it’s finest people!  Oh and of course I made labels…


The rolling cart also had a make over…


And in the words of Biggie uh, and if you don’t know, now ya know!