IKEA does it again!

My art room is in some serious need of storage!  I have a lot of art supplies and I would love to have it organized and contained neatly in one room.  I would be stoked if everything had it’s own little spot to live forever, or until I decide it needs a new home.  Right now everything is thrown into this closet… kk6 All mismatched storage thrown into a sad little closet.  Not to mention that those are the boxes that we moved into this house with! That’s right, not even unpacked, definitely rummaged through but not unpacked!  Shame on me! I needed to find some solution to this madness.  Who do you turn to when you have storage problems?  How about our friend IKEA! That’s right, take a browse through this guy…

IKEA catalog

and all of your storage problems will be solved! It’s where I found this…

Helmer IKEA drawer unit

It’s the Helmer Drawer Unit and it’s just $39.99.  Thought it would be perfect for holding/organizing all of my art and craft supplies, so I dumped one of these in my online shopping cart and kept browsing.  One other thing that has been on my list for this room for a while is a chair.  I have been checking craigslist from time to time and also checking out my options at local stores, but unfortunately I was having no luck.  So, what do you know, IKEA came to the rescue again when I found this…


It’s a Snille Swivel Chair which is only $19.99.   I thought it would work well for my room and I was in desperate need of a desk chair, it wasn’t love at first site but it will work!  So, I plopped this guy in my online cart also and checked out my two new IKEA items.   In a couple days these arrived…


and it was building time.  I started with the bigger lighter box which I assumed was the chair and I was correct.  Here are the contents of the first box…


Not too many pieces, always a good sign!

So I got right to work and about 5 minutes later I had this…


BAM, and I have a new chair! Next up was the Helmer Drawer Unit, which was not quite as easy.  Here is what you see when you open the box…


A few more pieces came with this one as you can see.  So here is everything laid out…


Looks like madness to me, how about you?  Basically I tried my best with building this one too, except it didn’t turn out as well as the chair.  Once I had the unit and the drawers assembled, the drawers weren’t fitting in the slots correctly and I could not figure out what I had done wrong.  In case you haven’t purchased anything from IKEA yet, I will forewarn you that their instruction manuals do not have words, just pictures.  This is great for me in most cases, except when I can’t figure out where I went wrong, at that point I need words!  So, finally I got frustrated enough and told Justin I needed some help.  Within 5 minutes he had it all fixed.  Turns out I put the walls of the unit on backwards, I had the right wall on the left side and the left wall on the right side, if that makes any sense. After all of the struggles this is what I had…


So, the verdict is that I still love IKEA very much!  Here is my art room now…



Wondering where my white rolling cart went?


There it is, just using a different wall to hang out on.

Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon to give you a breakdown of what I used the new storage for.

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