How About Some More Couches? Say What?

Justin and I were not in the market for more couches necessarily, but these fell in our lap.  Our friends Krissi and Sean happened to be getting a new sectional for their home and were looking to sell their like new(I mean really really well taken care of) furniture.  They have no pets, do not smoke and are super clean, couldn’t ask for better hand me down friends!  When Krissi told me she was looking to sell her couches I threw the idea out to Justin to purchase them and he was in.  Guess what… they are the same exact couches we have in our living room, but a few shades darker!  I know we are super reckless and gutsy buying the same exact furniture we already own!  But, go with what you know works right?  We know that these couches have been holding up well with two dogs and they are comfortable!  I know what you are thinking though… Why do we need additional couches?  Well remember these two sparse rooms?




Ya, haven’t seen these two in a while right?   Probably because this is the only furniture they have contained since we moved in.  That futon is primarily used by the dogs!  This is where we pictured the new couches living.  So we borrowed a truck and hauled those suckers home.


That’s everything stacked up in the garage.  Did I not mention that this purchase also came with a leather ottoman, a coffee table and 6 throw pillows!  Yup, our friends are awesome.  Here are the couches…



Here are the ones we have in our living room for comparison…


Same thing different color.

After we moved things around about 10 times to see how we could arrange this furniture we came up with this set up…



Originally we were planning to put both couches in the room without the desk, but they are a little too big to fit both in one room.  Fortunately these two rooms kind of act as one since they are open to each other and are painted the same color.  We didn’t use the coffee table because it felt a little too cramped, we put the ottoman in the corner of the other room so it can be pulled out whenever we want to use it. For now it seems to be Charlie’s hang out spot when we’re not home.  Eventually I think we will mount a TV in the first room(without the desk).  We also badly need some art or decorations in here.



These rooms feel like they now have a purpose.  I also think those windows are asking for curtains, that’s now something that is on my list.  And in case you’re wondering where the futon ended up…


Back to my art room!


I think we’re doing pretty good on the furniture front, I think it’s time to start getting some art on these bare walls now.