Giving the Master Bath Some Love

I have been recently trying to update our master bath a little, so I am more comfortable using it. It is completely functioning and we use it daily.  We do plan to renovate the entire room, but that is still a ways down the road.  I figured why not make it a little more enjoyable to use right? To date I have already painted, removed the splash guards, caulked and then caulked some more.  While I was away Justin changed out the light fixture.  Don’t worry, not this one…


I know you’re all as attached to this one as I am.  The light I am speaking of is this guy…


Does it remind you of this one?


Yup, it’s the same light that we had in the laundry room.  Guess what?  I am still not a fan of these dome lights, so it had to go.  Justin replaced it with this…


A boob light! Gotta love those boob lights!  It’s nothing fancy, but makes the space feel a little updated.  Now we just need to take care of the 80’s broadway table lights complete with mirror backing.  Reminds me of something like this…


Yuck! So not me!  Here is one more look at ours…


I am thinking something like this…


I love these industrial looking lights.  I also love the navy mirror trim.  But now I am just dreaming, because we are a ways off from renovating this bath.  Anyhow, we did add one more thing to our master bath…


This great watercolor that Justin bought me for Christmas last year.  Here is a closer look…


I found this print on etsy a while back and showed Justin.  Apparently, he remembered and purchased it.  I love the yellow lab and the little boy headed to fish at the beach.  I would like this room to be a nautical/beach theme in the end, so I figure this is the perfect art to head us in that direction.  This watercolor is done by an amazing artist from Fresno, California named DJ Rogers.  If you wanna check out more of his work visit his etsy shop, K9artgallery.

Here is a look at our bath with these quick changes…


I guess it now feels a little more us, I am still dying to update everything!